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Level 1140 only 12 moves. Should be 30?

Laurie_ Posts: 3

Level 1

I see other ppl having same issue on other levels.  Can’t get a straight answer from King so anyone else know what to do?  I’ll delete the game if I’m going to be stuck here for ever.  

Best Answer

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Answer ✓

    Hi Laurie, thank you for posting here at King Care.  I am creating weekly lists of complaints posted here regarding the number of moves changed for specific levels.  I will add your message to the list.  The studio has already changed two levels because of feedback but I'm not sure how they determine it.  Hopefully they will change this level too.



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Answer ✓

    Hi Laurie, thank you for posting here at King Care.  I am creating weekly lists of complaints posted here regarding the number of moves changed for specific levels.  I will add your message to the list.  The studio has already changed two levels because of feedback but I'm not sure how they determine it.  Hopefully they will change this level too.

  • Laurie_
    Laurie_ Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thank you.  Hoping it is resolved soon so I can continue my game play 

  • Alan_Wade
    Alan_Wade Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am having the same issue. This level seems impossible with 12 moves. Thanks.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    Hi Alan, I will let them know that you added your message here.

  • Gotha_Love
    Gotha_Love Posts: 6

    Level 2

    level 1140 is impossible to solve with only 12 moves. It should be 30! Why on Earth would they change af level, so that you cannot solve it ever? Why? I’m so dissapointed because it seems as if they really do not give a damn about all of US, who love the game. I’m taking a break untill they change it back! Ulla 

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    Thanks all for writing here.  I am forwarding these to a King Admin.

  • Chrissy_Blanchaf
    Chrissy_Blanchaf Posts: 5

    Level 1

    I'm having the same problem. This is the third level I've been gripped with 12 moves, when it should be much more. Why does this keep happening to only some of us???

  • Chrissy_Blanchaf
    Chrissy_Blanchaf Posts: 5

    Level 1

    I'm having the same problem. This is the third level I've been gripped with 12 moves, when it should be much more. Why does this keep happening to only some of us???

  • Laurie_
    Laurie_ Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Believe it or not, but I did manage to beat the level with only 12 moves.  I’ve since run into other levels with the same issue.  I just keep at it until I win.  Definitely a challenge....not a fair one buta challenge just the same.  

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    That is awesome Laurie that you finally passed it!  I know these levels are very challenging these days and I wish that they would change their way of presenting these levels but at least we have the community here where we can vent to each other right?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?