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Technical Problem

Farzana_Yaqub Posts: 30

Level 3

I got the problem. RAMI gives five boosters, when I click on "CLAIM" button, boosters don't accumulate in my account. The issue is "CLAIM" button's link is not with my account. In programming just link the claim button to the users account. Boosters will be accumulated. It is not a big task. For a programmer its not a big deal. Thanks

Best Answer

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Answer ✓

    Hi Farzana, I wish that you could sit down with the programmers or volunteer to help them fix it quicker!  I don't know how many are on the team but I do know that there are a low of glitches that they are working on right now.  Some players are getting the rewards and others aren't.  I have reported this when Rami was available the first time and then reported Didi last week and now reporting Rami again.  All we an do is wait for the fix.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Answer ✓

    Hi Farzana, I wish that you could sit down with the programmers or volunteer to help them fix it quicker!  I don't know how many are on the team but I do know that there are a low of glitches that they are working on right now.  Some players are getting the rewards and others aren't.  I have reported this when Rami was available the first time and then reported Didi last week and now reporting Rami again.  All we an do is wait for the fix.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Hi Farzana, I just saw a player respond in answer message that he got an answer from a King Tech saying that it should be fixed when the next game app is released.  Have no clue how long that will take.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?