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🍬🍭 Candy Crusher of the Month - June 2023!



  • altiflah
    altiflah Posts: 180


    Hello 👋

    Perhaps I do not participate much for my reasons and my preoccupation, and I enter here from time to time

    But since I am a member of the community, I have knowledge of some things

    I will nominate @greddycandy

    Cracker of the month good luck to her and everyone 💐

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,856

    There are no right or wrong reasons for the nomination; it's all up to you! Someone you think should get a special mention and extra attention in the Candy Crush Community.

    By @QueenB


  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693

    @QueenB sorry, I've wanted to send you a private message on the typo errors, but don't know how.

  • MonicaYellow
    MonicaYellow Posts: 693

    @QueenB Just out of curiosity, may I ask is there any special significance to the month in question, pl?

    For the Candy Crusher of a specified month, do we give special credits to their contributions made in that month? Or is it a historical consideration?

    Pardon me for being ignorant, only having started participating in this community rather recently. So some of the names of the nominees are rather new to me, especially if they haven't been active in the last month here. As a contrast, @christinewupp is a very very familiar name here.

    I've tried to search through their profiles to check on their latest comments, to have some sense of their contributions. But the profile is private, that's what I got with the 1st profile check.

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    Hi @QueenB, I would like to nominate @greddycandy as Candy Crusher of the month. This crusher as been a member of thee community as long or longer than me. @greddycandy play various King game and participate in their respective community. They are very kind, respectful and helpful to other players.

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429

    Thanx @MiladyR for the nomination 💕

  • CherylTeoh
    CherylTeoh Posts: 307

    Overall guidelines as stated in announcement from @QueenB

    We choose one player as the Candy Crusher of the Month here in the Community every month. A player that has been super helpful, sweet, friendly, and who spread positive energy around.

    (words in bold are my selection for highlight)

    # one player - this is very clear, just one.

    # here in the Community - the Community for the game Candy Crush Saga only? or the King Community as a whole, including other games under King, not necessarily the Candy Crush series?

    # the qualities demonstrated by the nominee are clear too.

    REASONS given in support of their nominees for the Candy Crusher of June 2023

    # active helping a lot of players around Candy Crush Community

    # Nice and active in all king games,

    # active in many games, participates in many contests, active in the Community,

    # very kind, thoughtful and helpful.

    # has been an active player in many areas of the community and has proven to be very supportive of members of the community.

    # has been a long time player


    # It appears that we do need a clear definition of "here in the Community", cos if that means CCS Community only, being active in many other games is not relevant.

    # Also are we looking for an active player, or a player active in helping other players? There is a huge difference.

    # A long time player, or a player having a long history of helping other players? But shouldn't a player who has a long history of helping other players been awarded Candy Crusher of the Month long time ago, rather than queuing here for June 2023?

    # There is still the unanswered question posted by Grandma to @QueenB : are we looking at contributions in June 2023, or is it historical consideration?

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 583

    Okay, reading through some of these posts, since I can only nominate 1, I choose to nominate, oh my gosh as all 3 have been seriously helpful to me. @christinewupp @Alienscar and of course, @TitanCrusher . People don't need a bazillion posts to be helpful.

    (Thank you for the shout-out, @TitanCrusher but I don't deserve a nomination. There are many more that deserve it.)

    So, doesn't matter how many posts. It matters who helped the most.

    Have never seen any of @greddycandy posts, never not once, and I've read this community for well over a year. Guess I missed something.

    Anyway, guys, I have to nominate @christinewupp . Sorry, guys, I think she has helped me the most. You both have helped me as well.

    🥰 To all 3 of you!@christinew

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?