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⭕ Why can't I play in landscape mode anymore? Game too small!



  • alee404
    alee404 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    Absolutely hate it!!!!! I'm a senior citizen and I NEED the full screen version on my laptop!!!! They need to fix it so that it's an option in the settings!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868
    edited August 2023

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Recently a changed was made in the game to only let players play in Portrait mode (this is how the game would look like when playing on a phone). This change is also effective on Windows. Currently there’s no plans on changing this back, but please leave your feedback on the change in this discussion.

    You can also find more information about the change here:

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868
    edited August 2023

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Recently a changed was made in the game to only let players play in Portrait mode (this is how the game would look like when playing on a phone). This change is also effective on Windows. Currently there’s no plans on changing this back, but please leave your feedback on the change in this discussion.

    You can also find more information about the change here:

  • alee404
    alee404 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!! I'm a senior citizen, playing on a large laptop, and I NEED an option to change it to landscape in order to play the game properly! NOT enjoying the portrait mode AT ALL!!! This is the ONLY game I play, and it's taken all the enjoyment away from playing!!!

  • Arrowflinger
    Arrowflinger Posts: 322
    edited August 2023

    I've abandoned my game of over 14000 levels completed since they made the chsnge. If I wanted a small screen to play on, I would use my phone, not a laptop with a 17 inch screen.

  • M181
    M181 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    I totally agree with all the comments left here. 71 years old, been playing since the game came out and now I am forced to quit playing because I cannot see the game on my laptop screen. Thanks a lot King for taking away one of the few things I have left that I enjoy!!!! Send me an email if you ever change it back and I may consider playing again.

  • Kokorico
    Kokorico Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    My PC is not a Phone. 😲

    Sorry to say that but I hate this ridiculous small shape !☠️

    I did buy a Wide screen computer , it's not to have a tiny little picture to play with !!

    SO PLEASE🙏 go back with a good looking game or put a swich🧐 in the parameters that allows us to select the display format !!

    Thank you very much❤️

    Have a nice day.

  • Tommyb
    Tommyb Posts: 1

    Level 1

    How get screen normal size from super small screen?

  • 7lw
    7lw Posts: 3

    Level 1

    why is the screen smaller? (Not full size)

  • lggray5
    lggray5 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited August 2023

    I agree with all the previous posts. I've been playing (and paying for some perks) for some time. I'm sorry to say that unless there is a way to switch display choices, I'll be done. The smaller screen is too hard for me to see which takes away from the enjoyment of the game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?