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Level 3737 doesn't work, the numbers don't add up..

Cookie_Kirby Posts: 20

Level 3

Reducing the moves to 18 PLUS adding blockers PLUS more locked candies has made this impossible even using boosters. There are 12 chocolates on the board which means 18 are needed, that's one for every move. This means that to collect all the 30 chocolates ALL 18 moves must be made without clearing a single chocolate. I think I am a pretty good player having got this far with few boosters, I don't complain about impossible levels just because they are hard, but I can also see when a level is impossible to win. Do the maths! It doesn't work.

Best Answer

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Answer ✓


    Hey guys,

    Good news!

    I wanted to let you know that following the feedback, the Studio decided to tweak the level - There are now 28 moves. You can refresh your game and enjoy the crushing :)

    Thanks for your patience and feedback!




  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Cookie, thank you for writing here on King Care.  I know that you are an excellent player so if you have these issues then the players also have these issues.

    I have seen a lot of complaints here from the players regarding the number of moves for a specific level. I have created a list of these complaints and forward this to a King Admin who then forwards it to the studio. I will add your message to the list.

    By creating these lists the studios are monitoring these and have already changed 3 levels.

  • This level is still impossible. It was released to FB users yesterday. Would appreciate the administrator's attention! 

  • Ahh. I found that there are six more moves on the mobile version. So easily solved.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Wow they changed it CandyMom?  See sometimes King does do the right thing!  Thanks for letting us know.

  • José_Savelkoul
    José_Savelkoul Posts: 566
    edited September 2018

    I hate to tell you Elsa, but no they didn't change it. CandyMom is talking about mobile devices. PC/laptop still just have 18 moves. King hasn't done the right thing. And how about the colourbomb selfdestructing (I've left a message several times), no answer, no fix, just silence. I'm very much disappointed in how things go lately... Do you guys really care???

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi José, sad to hear that you are trying to clump me with the paid King employees.  I really thought that you knew me better than that. You know that I am just the volunteer who comes here to try helping and passing the word along when it's a new glitch to report.  You should also remember that I was able to have 4 levels changed when I was still in the group with you but it wasn't because of me.  It was because the members of the group came here in numbers and complained.  As a volunteer I can only do so much but I do thank you and Cookie for expressing your thoughts here and I'm sure that the King Admins will get to see your messages and my response too.

  • bangeja
    bangeja Posts: 0


    Please change level 3737 and make it possible for us to win

  • Hi José, sad to hear that you are trying to clump me with the paid King employees.  I really thought that you knew me better than that. You know that I am just the volunteer who comes here to try helping and passing the word along when it's a new glitch to report.  You should also remember that I was able to have 4 levels changed when I was still in the group with you but it wasn't because of me.  It was because the members of the group came here in numbers and complained.  As a volunteer I can only do so much but I do thank you and Cookie for expressing your thoughts here and I'm sure that the King Admins will get to see your messages and my response too.

    Sorry if you took it personal Elsa, you didn't have to. Yes, I do know you better. I'm also just a volunteer admin of the Candy Crush Saga All Help-group as you know, trying to help members, and when there's a glitch, trying to get numbers in here (at the right place). But also pretty busy in checking changes of the levels. The people that know me, they know I do. But maybe you forgot that part of me?
  • Pat_Cooper
    Pat_Cooper Posts: 2

    Level 1

    This is a ridiculous level , please change it by giving extra moves , or lowering the amount of chocolate and liqourice . 

  • Sherry_Hyler
    Sherry_Hyler Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Why bother playing this level when there is no way to beat it even with boosters

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?