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Reasons why I deleted Candy Crush Saga from my iPad

firefox111 Posts: 151
edited August 2023 in Discussions

1) Landscape orientation is gone. Portrait is now forced on tablets which is really a bad implementation by the ignorant developers who are probably focused on mobile pones!

2) There are a lot of levels where I used to go to collect specific color candies, now the candies are switched with different ones.

3) The behavior of the stripe and wrapper candies explosion has changed! The effect used to blast in two directions. Now, I think the blast only goes direction and it seems like the intensity of the explosion is low.

4) The chocolate box has changed. I used to be able to select which task I want to tackle. Now, you do what is presented to you - no more switching!

Conclusion: King Kong is really forcing players to purchase goodies to continue and finish a level!



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170

    Hi there @firefox111 You are right about points 1,2 and 4. (Point 3 I have found is an optical illusion as they now bash simultaneously and too fast for the eye to see the effect)

    I also no longer play on the iPad because of landscape mode. I am just bored with the game now. With every upgrade the game seems to just get worse and worse so it really gives the appearance that they want players in the upper ranges to leave the game.

    I am also starting to think they want to get rid of this community as it has become just a place to exchange anger and frustration and there is NEVER any response to feedback here. I mean, they never change anything according to our feedback, in fact quite the opposite. (We liked the candy converter, so they got rid of it).

    I used to post here with helpful tips on specific levels, but since they have introduced legendary levels that is pointless, too. Legendary levels can't be passed without boosters until the game offers players 125 or so extra moves for gold bars. They don't give out lucky boards any more, so watching the online videos that passed without boosters are just a waste of time even if at first glance the board looks identical. Not much point of anything really.....

    End of my moan.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 583

    VERY, VERY well said, Christine!!! ๐Ÿ‘

    I'm pretty much over this game. I won't uninstall it however. I'm just logging in for the Daily Treat Machine and the Wheel. Can't miss out on those good for nothing Coconut Wheels! I'll try a couple new levels and play whatever side game they throw at me for boosters.

    King has taken away everything from me in the last 2+ weeks. Everything that still made this game somewhat enjoyable.

    Oh well, as I always say, it is what it is.

    Good luck, y'all!

  • kepeterson
    kepeterson Posts: 215

    I wholeheartedly agree! I havenโ€™t seen anyone who thinks the changes have improved the game, except for the people who were paid to make them. I have not deleted the game, I am also going on everyday to collect booster in hopes King acknowledges their blunder and reinstates landscape.

  • KimHeitz
    KimHeitz Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Totally agree the changes in the way the candies work are awful. They do not sweep from side to side anymore with the striped and the wrapped, that gave you the opportunity to reach candies that were unreachable. It now bounces above the candies and only gets about 5 or 6 candies in the immediate area . The 2 wrapped ones when they come together used to explode twice now only explode once and they do not explode as big getting less . i am on 13258 it now takes a week to get through on spot. We now barely get any free bees, and the screen is god awful!

  • SuzanneB
    SuzanneB Posts: 138

    Careful. When the tattletales report what they read in this post they'll take our daily treat machine and wheel away too! ๐Ÿ™„

  • SuzanneB
    SuzanneB Posts: 138

    Excellent points, but you missed one point, unless you like having the candy royale forced on you.

  • firefox111
    firefox111 Posts: 151
    edited August 2023

    Thatโ€™s right. That should be number 5.

    5) I hate Candy Royale being forced on my face.

  • Gruncher
    Gruncher Posts: 53

    Level 3

    And once they do that, they'll raise the prices of gold bars and remove the community boards, that way no one can complain anymore.

  • HaMFaCe
    HaMFaCe Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Itโ€™s not just me then. Legend levels is sufficient reason to delete the app alone. Legend levels have turned candy crush into the most boring game on the planet. The first one I encountered needed minimum 4o moves and they gave 18, what a joke. The latest is the ads in sweet cinema just crashing. You are absolutely correct that they want the players on the upper levels to leave. King .. youโ€™re boring me to tears.. Iโ€™ll find something more enjoyable to do now .. like house work

  • ngt
    ngt Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Well said ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ HaMFaCe, Candy crush saga is a chore playing. It is not fun playing any longer!! All the freebies have been taken away. I am in level 13968 and I am stuck. please donโ€™t let us leave by deleting the game.

    Thank you

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