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Idea on purchases and extra moves, boosters,ect...

candice0605 Posts: 1 Newbie

I think King, Candy crush saga should definitely think about giving the players that actually purchase extra moves the opportunity to keep the remainder of moves that are left after their purchases really feel like it's unfair that we spend the money for 120 extra moves and not even 5 out of the 120 moves are used.. You just take them all away even though we spent the money to get it.. Please answer me on this one..I literally play for hours each day LITERALLY and my husband do to, but he's not actually the big spender in this situation, I AM PLEASE HELP


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,988 Legend

    Hi there. I think you misunderstand why they offer you 120 moves. It isn't really 120 moves they offer to sell you for 10 gold, it's "pay to pass the level". 10 gold to pass is 10 gold to pass, whether you do so with an extra 5 moves or with 120 moves. Why they offer us far more moves than even the worst player could ever need is beyond me, but it is all just a psychological trick they play, a sort of endurance test. How often are you prepared to play the same level over and over and over again until you pay to pass? This game is a money making machine and they certainly won't help you out here. In fact, the more money people spend on the game the harder they make it because they want more of your money. I suggest you give it a break, save the money and use it to spend some quality time with your husband instead.

  • SuzanneB
    SuzanneB Posts: 135 Level 2

    Actually, something like that is a good idea. Why not have a package of moves for purchase. Say, purchase a small package of 10 moves and you only use 2, the other 8 moves could stay in your inventory for future use. If they so dang needy and greedy, here's another money maker for them.

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