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My Piggy Bank states "Full" but there are only 30 gold bars. It used to hold 60 gold bars -



  • Randy_Gish
    Randy_Gish Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This was a very greedy move. They just lost a long-timer fan who has spent was too much money on this ripoff game!

  • BemusedofWales
    BemusedofWales Posts: 5

    Level 1

    I'm leaving too. I'm on level 2327 & was happy to buy my piggybanks of 60 gold bars for £2.99.  But I'm just not prepared to spend this amount for 30 gold bars. 

  • Pat_Gwynn
    Pat_Gwynn Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I actually had 60 gold bars in my piggy bank but when I chose to purchase, it offered me only 30 gold bars for $2.99! It used to be you had to have more than 32 gold bars in the piggy bank to be eligible to purchase. WHAT A RIPOFF!!!

    I deleted my Candy Crush game. I've been playing for years but NO MORE!!!
  • chloe111102
    chloe111102 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same thing happening with mine, not impressed at all. Will not be buying any more bars.

  • the_cat-2
    the_cat-2 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    King care confirmed to me via Facebook I was 'selected' to trial only 30 gold bars claiming they are only trying to help those players who struggle to fill their bank with 60.  Really?  New spin doctors obviously needed.  What they are really doing is making more profit using an unfair and discriminatory method.  Since we cannot delete our accounts, I have uninstalled the game from my laptop and re-installed it using a different email and game name.  I am having so much fun racing through the levels again, complete with my new piggy bank which once again holds 60 gold bars.  I recommend others with a 30 limit piggy bank to do the same as it looks unlikely that King Care will re-imburse us.

  • Scott_T
    Scott_T Posts: 2

    Level 1

    No response from King Care indicates to me that King doesn't care.  Guess King is satisfied w/ the amount of $ they've collected from me.  No more.

  • the_cat-2
    the_cat-2 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Elsa and everyone else who has noticed this problem.  It is not a case of being held to ransom that if your piggy bank has dropped to 30 gold bars you just have to accept it.  No one has to accept anything.  As mentioned previously, uninstall, then re-install with a 60 piggy bank (unless King care read this and stop it from happening), then have loads of fun going through all the levels for a second time plus all the freebie bonuses for being a new player.  I was on level 2059 and I don't miss it one little bit as I know I will be back there again one day.....unless they change my piggy bank again.  

  • the_cat-2
    the_cat-2 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited October 2018

    Well guys if you are all reporting the same thing then it's not a glitch.  It has to be a change in the way it's played.  So if you want to purchase it then you will only get 30 gold bars.

    Don't be held to ransom as not all players had their piggy bank reduced. You have the option to uninstall then re-install with a 60 gold bar limit. Yes you will have to start from the beginning again but it is still good fun second time around with the added bonus of freebies for new players. I urge everyone in this predicament to not allow King Care to discriminate against some players by forcing them to pay twice the amount compared to other players to collect 60 gold bars.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Great solution the cat!  Thanks for sharing this.

  • Candy_Lover
    Candy_Lover Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Please, do you people know that King is discriminating us loyal, faithful, paying users?  My piggy bank used to be 60 gold bars and it was dropped to 30 gold bars for same price since September 2018!!!  My friends and my husband are still on 60 gold bars for same price, I wrote an email to King but they have not responded yet except for auto reply from email.  I am on level 3907.  What is going on?  I thought in our modern Techy world that Apartheid no longer exists!!  King what are you doing??

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