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Hey , I messaged them a few days ago. I am
Not receiving lives either. The makers is the games keep changing it to make things difficult for us and make us spend money on lives and boosters . I also use to fly through levels, now I am on the same level for days and it’s not even supposed to be a hard level . STOP MAKING THE GAME DIFFERENT FOR US , STOP TAKING AWAY BOOSTERS ANS HELP AND LET US RECEIVE LIVES FROM FRIENDS AND STOP LIMITING THE LIVES WE CAN USE ,WE HAVE EARNT THEM SO LET US USE THEM
The bizarre thing about all this is I vaguely recall King pulled the same stunt a year or two ago(?), only for the scoreboards to return after a short time passed. What makes them think this time's any different?? lol
They sure are being stubborn this time, but I do believe the end result will be the same.
Well, with fall here, it's TV stream-binging time. Buy-bye Candy Crush--at least until the scoreboards return. 👀
@QueenB @King @ThePeopleWhoBoughtKing @MarkZuckerberg @Google
Just signed on and only had 3 lives saved. Used those 3 lives and while I was playing saw the notification that I had 6 lives saved. Click on it and all my lives I had lost are now back-all 180 of them! Yee Haw lol
and now today they are all gone except 7...wtf is going on here? I had 180 when I signed off last night and now I have 7. Really sick of this shit!
Exactly the same for me - I'm part of a regular group of people who exchange lives, and usually I have far more than the 20 I'm allowed to use. I've now run out of the backlog, and there are no new lives. I'm sending as usual, but I don't know if they're getting through.
Requested lives twice yesterday, had 6 lives this morning. This is out of 200 friends. So obviously we are not all restricted. There are some people who can still give lives. I can’t or I would.
No. Just like what was said earlier, we know we only have access to so many lives daily, but now no one is receiving lives but about 2 or 3 daily now. This just started this week. Not the same issue. This is a new issue.
I got a whopping 3 lives today!! Not worth my time to play anymore.
Now I see my quota of 20 lives are metered and timed, so getting to wait to use them instead of using them whenever, however I want. The constant ham-stringing by King is getting old. I no longer care about the game it just passes time, if/when lives are granted. Then there's the various ways CC finds your waste your time which matters when you have limited time for a reward.