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Why did Candy Royale disappear after I played 3 new levels?

HazelAskey52 Posts: 22

Level 3

I just started Candy Royale on Facebook, passed 3 of 14 new levels when the event just disappeared for no reason. I closed the game and waited a short while before opening the game and now I have to start over as it doesn't recognise that I have already passed 3 levels. Normally when I reopen the game my progress has been saved and I can continue where I left off. I used quite a few boosters to reach this point and now they have been wasted.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for reporting. Ill give this feedback to the game Team. While the features might be temporarily unavailable as features come and go. They are not the permanent part of the game and can be replaced or unavailable at any time. Always keep your game up to date and hopefully it might returns to your game

  • HazelAskey52
    HazelAskey52 Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Sorry but your reply does not relate to the question I asked. I was playing Candy Royale passing new levels when this event disappeared while still actively playing within the space of 5 minutes without closing the game. I play on Facebook and my pc is kept updated. I wasted many boosters getting as far as I did and lost the chance of claiming my reward. I still haven't had a reply from the game team.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?