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Since when is a person insane for spending money on a King game?

Lexi-Lee_Skyler Posts: 5 Level 2

I have reported a bug in the Candy Crush Saga game and said that because of this bug I was unfairly losing lives. I specifically log on to play this game, so when I lose all boosters and my 5 lives unfairly because of this bug, I continue to buy extra lives and boosters so I don't just have to log off again straight away. I wasn't asking for any refund or compensation or anything of the sort, just a plea for the developers to fix this bug. I've noticed I'm not the only one complaining about this same bug (the reshuffle bug). Anyway, some idiot (Baz James) attempted to point out Albert Einstein's definition of 'insanity' to me for buying lives and not "waiting for them to regenerate just like the rest of us". I hope this dramatic and ignorant 'Baz' person doesn't work for King. It would be very disappointing to learn that King employs idiots with such insulting answers every time they receive a complaint.


  • Baz_James
    Baz_James Posts: 861 Level 2

    This idiot has defeated every single level in the game to date without spending a single penny. You've been spending money on extra lives that you know stand a very good chance of being wasted and yet you're still behind. I think most people know which of us has the most to justify, don't you? And again, I simply cannot support the claim that you are losing these lives unfairly. You buy them in full knowledge that they may be lost due to the state of the game. There is no injustice here. Caveat emptor applies. You have no claim.

    This forum is set up to allow the players of the game to share their wisdom and so the vast majority of answers will be from people, like myself, who do not in any way represent King. I'm sure King are delighted that you have more money than sense. I, on the other hand, can't help thinking that if you have cash to throw away it could be put to much better use.

  • Bruce_Hayward
    Bruce_Hayward Posts: 80 Level 2

    I am like Baz. I have completed all levels as well. However unlike the insufferable Baz i have purchased Boosters. 

    I take issue with his defending King and my stupidity in purchasing Boosters. 

    When you spend money on a product, you have a expectation that the purchase will perform as required. To be told that it is my fault for loosing the purchased Boosters is absolutely unacceptable to me.

    I was reading the FAQ's recently, There is reference there that King moderate the Blogs & will take action against Bullies. That is what you are Baz. a Cyber Bully. I cringe when i read some of your Responses.  

    We share something Baz, we are both at the end of the current levels. Unlike you, i do get on the Blogs and tell everyone how great i am. 

  • Bruce_Hayward
    Bruce_Hayward Posts: 80 Level 2

    Sorry, the last line should read. "I do NOT get on the Blogs & tell everyone how great i am. 

  • Lexi-Lee_Skyler
    Lexi-Lee_Skyler Posts: 5 Level 2

    Sorry, the last line should read. "I do NOT get on the Blogs & tell everyone how great i am. 

    Thank you Bruce, you made my first experience on this forum less daunting. I don't think I'm an idiot for spending money on games that I enjoy. I have a life, therefore I don't have time to wait around until the lives regenerate. I don't care how far ignoramus has gotten to, I don't play to make the levels, just to chill and unwind. It's very relaxing. However, it was getting me frustrated that I was losing my life and boosts in a matter of seconds, and like you, I didn't find that at all acceptable. Good luck with your levels, I hope you wipe the floor with that megalomaniac who, by the sounds of it, doesn't have a life ;)
  • Lexi-Lee_Skyler
    Lexi-Lee_Skyler Posts: 5 Level 2

    This idiot has defeated every single level in the game to date without spending a single penny. You've been spending money on extra lives that you know stand a very good chance of being wasted and yet you're still behind. I think most people know which of us has the most to justify, don't you? And again, I simply cannot support the claim that you are losing these lives unfairly. You buy them in full knowledge that they may be lost due to the state of the game. There is no injustice here. Caveat emptor applies. You have no claim.

    This forum is set up to allow the players of the game to share their wisdom and so the vast majority of answers will be from people, like myself, who do not in any way represent King. I'm sure King are delighted that you have more money than sense. I, on the other hand, can't help thinking that if you have cash to throw away it could be put to much better use.

    Said idiot should get a life. You obviously live for the game since you have so much time to play it. What is exactly "being behind" as you say I am? I stopped playing it at level 250 or something and now, every so often, I come back to it only to unwind. I haven't played this game for years, and I suspect I'll probably not play it as often as a fanatic like you, because unlike you, I have a life and I enjoy it. And yes, I can afford it. Most adults can. You'll find out one day. You seem to pride yourself on all the crap that comes out of your mouth but I think you forget that this is only a game for goodness' sake! And I was directing my complaint to an experienced techie, not an experienced 10 yr old wanker. So go back to playing your FREE little game and let the adults try to solve their problems with people that are going to help, not insult because they think they are better. Oh and I'm happy for you that you don't have to spend a penny on your game but honestly, I don't give a rat's butt.
  • Sab74
    Sab74 Posts: 28 Level 2

    This idiot has defeated every single level in the game to date without spending a single penny. You've been spending money on extra lives that you know stand a very good chance of being wasted and yet you're still behind. I think most people know which of us has the most to justify, don't you? And again, I simply cannot support the claim that you are losing these lives unfairly. You buy them in full knowledge that they may be lost due to the state of the game. There is no injustice here. Caveat emptor applies. You have no claim.

    This forum is set up to allow the players of the game to share their wisdom and so the vast majority of answers will be from people, like myself, who do not in any way represent King. I'm sure King are delighted that you have more money than sense. I, on the other hand, can't help thinking that if you have cash to throw away it could be put to much better use.

    ^^^ Best Answer and response to that Jackass that I've seen! Well done

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