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(new) level 2163 with only 45 seconds from 2 mins! !! not even close to pass

Macy-2 Posts: 40 Level 2

together with level 2159, 2160, it seemd King also revised level 2163 too but not 2 mins time down to 45 seconds, l lost many boosters with time extension and still could not pass because i could not extra 5 seconds time plus at all. King, please revise this game back to 2 mins! it is getting a bit too boring with every episode with impossible level. one day released another revised, why this? simply want us to waste all boosters we collected!?!?



  • Spring_Ho
    Spring_Ho Posts: 24 Level 2
    edited December 2016

    This level has wasted a lot of my boosters and nothing get close to the target, please fix it!!!

  • Frances_Suen
    Frances_Suen Posts: 3 Newbie

    I am frustrated that they changed this level to 45 seconds. I always hate the timed levels and they made them so hard. They should change it back to the original.

  • Macy-2
    Macy-2 Posts: 40 Level 2

    i finally passed this level in 45 seconds. Started with color bomb and two hand swap to get color bombs. without color bombs, pointed are collected too slowly. but it is really tough level, hope king will fix this.

  • Steve_Gregory
    Steve_Gregory Posts: 3 Newbie

    To me it's just a giant middle finger at the fans ... especially those who complained about 2159 ...grow up King Candy Crush level designers ...

  • Kandiking
    Kandiking Posts: 9 Level 2

    I am on Level 2163 and play via Facebook and and when I go to this level it tells me I have to reach 45,000 points in 45 seconds to complete it. I was finding it impossible to complete so I went on Youtube to find out how other players got through it. To my horror I find that their Level 2163 tells them to reach 10,000 points in 120 seconds !!! Why am I playing a different/harder version of this level??? This is not very fair when I have been a good customer buying Boosters....not a very level playing field at all with this game !!!

  • Kandiking
    Kandiking Posts: 9 Level 2
    edited December 2016

    First photo is off my Facebook, the second one is off YouTube, 3rd is mine too....impossible 45,000 in 45 seconds !!!

  • Macy-2
    Macy-2 Posts: 40 Level 2

    10,000 points 2 mins was the older version. 4500 points with only 45 sec was two days old new version. it was frustrated level but luckily i did pass with just couple of ten points over.

  • Tracy-7
    Tracy-7 Posts: 368 Level 2

    I can't even get 30,000 on this level, and it keeps shuffling. There's not enough board to even make many bombs, and you can't get to the timed candy, don't see any dropping from anywhere either. This whole episode has got me so pissed off, I'm ready to quit. Soon as I thanked CC for making 1959 and 1960 passable, I find out 1962, and 1963 were made harder. That's pretty lame IMO. Wasted all my boosters again too. They don't really help in this one anyway. If CC would let us use the coconut wheels on more levels we could beat them easier, but no, can't use em, they sure give us plenty of them in the chests tho. Got hundreds of those. You need to fix this one back !!! Booo on you again >_<

  • Kandiking
    Kandiking Posts: 9 Level 2

    I am frustrated that they changed this level to 45 seconds. I always hate the timed levels and they made them so hard. They should change it back to the original.

    mine tells me to get 45,000 points in 45 seconds !!!
  • Kandiking
    Kandiking Posts: 9 Level 2

    10,000 points 2 mins was the older version. 4500 points with only 45 sec was two days old new version. it was frustrated level but luckily i did pass with just couple of ten points over.

    45,000 in 45 seconds mine says..not 4,500 like yours :(

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