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Additional moves

peanutmiller1 Posts: 13 Level 2

I am almost at 15,000, as I enter a game and possibly do not win after 5 tries, the 5 moves would increase by 5, with the total moves going up to 125 moves. So I have purchased my share of gold bars, all of a sudden, the moves are not increasing, it’s the second day I have played 1 game over 5 times and the additional moves are not increasing. I purchased 45 moves for $4.99 yesterday, I had purchases all week. I can’t get past this level with only 5 additional moves. Why isn’t it increasing?


  • dovtam
    dovtam Posts: 1 Newbie

    Same here. Why are the moves not increasing?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,082 Legend

    That is a very good question @peanutmiller1 and I have seen one or two other posts from players who have encountered this. If this is another test King are running then someone needs to inform those at headquarters that it is unfair and pointless! In recent months the game has been redesigned with the removal of lucky boards for many levels and the introduction of the legendary levels label, and the increasing moves feature was introduced at the same time and as an integral part of the game to make progression possible by paying gold (instead of waiting for a lucky board, as used to be the case in years gone by). So leaving levels impossible to pass and then taking the chance to pass them through spending gold away makes no sense at all and will just kill the game.

    It might be a glitch however, perhaps one of the moderators could clarify this, @PummyRaj @QueenB ?

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