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since yesterday I have to wait 3300 houres for next life

Shizzle Posts: 2 Newbie

playing candy crush on app in windows10 with my kingdom profile: why do I have to wait 3300 houres???


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,780 Sweet Legend

    Wow Shizzle it sure looks like you got some kind of weird glitch!  Can you try logging out of your Kingdom profile and logging back in to see if it's still there?  Could you also please upload a print screen so that I can see it and forward it to a King Super Star.  Perhaps it's happening in King's other games too.

  • Shizzle
    Shizzle Posts: 2 Newbie

    Wow Shizzle it sure looks like you got some kind of weird glitch!  Can you try logging out of your Kingdom profile and logging back in to see if it's still there?  Could you also please upload a print screen so that I can see it and forward it to a King Super Star.  Perhaps it's happening in King's other games too.

    thx for your answer but logging out and logging back in didn't solve the problem

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