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Candy Crush 3355

Nigel_Montague Posts: 15 Level 2

Goodbye Candy Crush. At level 3355 it is time to give up. It used to be a good way to spend 10 minutes for a bit of pleasure/distraction. It has now become tedious. My suggestion is to rename the game Mr kiplings candy crush as King now make exceedingly tedious levels with little or no chance of completing them without either spending great wads of cash on extra extra extra boosters which still makes levels almost impossible. P.S. I have never paid for a booster. I have carried half a dozen over from previous easier levels.  It was fun while it lasted. Off back to enter the world of real life.


  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581 Level 4
    edited May 2018

    Hello Nigel. I am so sorry you're feeling frustrated with the game. Did you know there are blogs that you can look at to help pass these levels? I know some of the levels where I am (2600s) are frustrating and tedious, but when I start getting frustrated, I play one of the other King games or I take a break from playing for a while to calm myself down. Here is a link for this level in particular. Maybe it can help you. :) Have a great day!  


  • ddheim
    ddheim Posts: 3 Newbie

    Nigel is right. I know the difference between hard levels and impossible ones. Level 3355 needs to be fixed! I have watched several videos solving this level, but my version is different.  Under the keys there is another 5-layer thick wall which is impossible to clear with the amount of moves they give you. This ‘extra’ wall doesn’t exist in any of the videos I’ve watched that beat level 3355.

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581 Level 4

    HI ddheim! I have already forwarded this to the Moderators as there are other complaints about it. Hang in there and either I will or the Moderator will let you know what is going on. :) Thanks for the feedback! It really does help!

  • ddheim
    ddheim Posts: 3 Newbie

    HI ddheim! I have already forwarded this to the Moderators as there are other complaints about it. Hang in there and either I will or the Moderator will let you know what is going on. :) Thanks for the feedback! It really does help!

    Forgot to mention I only get 10 moves in my version compared to 15 in others...I look forward to it being fixed!
  • sbabbarox
    sbabbarox Posts: 4 Newbie

    Hello Nigel. I am so sorry you're feeling frustrated with the game. Did you know there are blogs that you can look at to help pass these levels? I know some of the levels where I am (2600s) are frustrating and tedious, but when I start getting frustrated, I play one of the other King games or I take a break from playing for a while to calm myself down. Here is a link for this level in particular. Maybe it can help you. :) Have a great day!  


    Mobile level is impossible with 10 moves and blockers!
  • Wendy_Cameron
    Wendy_Cameron Posts: 21 Level 2
  • cobwellac
    cobwellac Posts: 77 Pro Player 👑

    I'm also giving up Candy Crush. I'm tired of spending gobs of money and being rewarded with impossible levels. I'm burning all my boosters and if I don't win, I'm out. 

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581 Level 4
    edited May 2018

    Hello all players. I just got word that the Moderator and the Studio (the people who make the levels) are very aware of this level and others that need looking at and that they are actively looking into those levels now. I know this doesn't help much and that you have all heard this before, but I would like you to know that they are listening very closely and that this isn't being ignored. :) I will let you all know more when I hear it, but for now, we ask for your continued patience as King works through these levels to see how they can be improved. You have all been so patient already, and I, as a SuperStar and a player, can understand the frustration the players are feeling. I hope some of you stick around because without players like yourselves, things would never be brought to King's attention and therefore never changed. You guys are so important! Thank you and I hope you all have the most wonderful day!

  • cobwellac
    cobwellac Posts: 77 Pro Player 👑

    Thanks for the update, Laura. I hope you're right. I finally passed this level (after I'd used up all my boosters and some remaining gold bars to get an extra 5 moves) only to get stuck at level 3358 which also gives the player very few moves when they have to get through keys, candy cane, licorice and gel to collect 28 yellow candies. It's impossible. This game is supposed to be fun, but when every level feels like a money grub, you start getting over your addiction to crushing candies pretty quick!

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581 Level 4

    Ah Thank you for that cobwellac! I will let the team know that 3358 is having some complaints too. I would appreciate anyone else who has this problem (with 3358 or ANY other level) to let me know so I can pass this all on for you. :) You guys are the greatest! Have a Candy-licious day all!

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