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Lvl 3447

Saulyte Posts: 90

Level 3

Hi again. I just want to ask the same question like always? Level 3447 on youtube has 30 moves and need to collect 15 yellows and 15 red sweets, but when I am trying to complete on computer is TOTALLY different again? I just have 25 moves and I need to collect 20 yellows and 20 reds sweets??? Why again???

Best Answer


  • Freddy_Paul
    Freddy_Paul Posts: 40

    Level 3

    Answer ✓

    Hey Saulyte, this link may help you a bit in clearing level 3447. Clear level 3447

  • Saulyte
    Saulyte Posts: 90

    Level 3

    Hey Saulyte, this link may help you a bit in clearing level 3447. Clear level 3447

    Its different what I have on my computer. I just have 25 moves and I need to colect 20 of each sweets. I mean 20 yellow and 20 red. On your video you have more moves and you need to collect less sweets. Its not fair
  • Saulyte
    Saulyte Posts: 90

    Level 3

    Hey Saulyte, this link may help you a bit in clearing level 3447. Clear level 3447

    Anyone help me about this level??? Why all the time my all levels is different from youtube? Why I am different? I am still cant reach the target or get even close? My target is at all different from youtube. Feel very very angry and I think than CC creators think that I am stupid or what?
  • Asiancow
    Asiancow Posts: 42

    Level 3

    The oh-so-smart programmers reduce moves and increase difficulty supposedly because feedback level was too easy. Basically a ploy to make you buy boosters and moves as seriously that is the only way to pass these more and more ridiculous levels

    hope more people complain that the game is not fun anymore and quit playing completely.  Then see what happens 

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