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How can I play earlier levels

nishajojo Posts: 36

Level 3

edited January 2024 in Discussions

Hi please help me I don’t know how to go back to early levels without having to scroll all the way down it will take forever as I’m so much further ahead please help as I can’t get involved with other games and contests


  • Peaches12
    Peaches12 Posts: 314

    Scrolling is the only way. It has been suggested that it be made easier, but the request seems to have fallen on deaf ears. It is especially annoying since they redid the map so that you have to scroll down even further. I also don't like that if you let the game sit for a while it takes you back to the top. There is a perfectly good button for that anytime I choose to use it. Maybe it takes you to the top automatically, so the moderators don't get flooded with questions on how to get back to the latest level.

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