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Lvl 14341

Endorr Posts: 10

Level 2

Lvl 14341 can’t be beat without boosters. Kings claim that every level is theoretically, winnable is not true. This needs to be addressed.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,150
    edited February 2024

    In my opinion most of the levels above 14,000 cannot be beaten without boosters. But I really don't think anyone at King claims that they can. Where have you heard this or read this claim? The game is meant to be played using boosters to pass levels. The only thing King do occasionally tell us is that there are ways within the game to earn gold bars and boosters, and those then, theoretically, can be used to beat levels.

  • Endorr
    Endorr Posts: 10

    Level 2

    That is not true. When this game came out, they said every level is theoretically winnable. The fact that they don’t care is very telling and all they care about is making money.

  • When this game came out?? Come on, @Endorr that was years ago and the game was run by a completely different company then and has changed hands several times since, the Terms and Conditions, events, level game boards, all of that has changed numerous times over the years and the Candy Crush we play now bears no resemblance to the game that made that promise years ago! Moreover, the levels that are now impossible only were added to the game within the past three or four years. Since the levels above 10,000 were introduced I am not aware of any claims from King that those levels are theoretically beatable without boosters.

  • Endorr
    Endorr Posts: 10

    Level 2

    So you tell me, you’re perfectly fine playing a game you have no chance of winning. Unless! You purchase something else to aid you in winning that game? Not about your skill anymore it’s not about your talent or your ability. Oh no, we’re not doing that anymore. This is about how much money are you gonna give us to win this particular level. you’re OK with that? I’m not.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,150
    edited February 2024

    You misunderstand what I am trying to say @Endorr . I am by no means saying that Candy Crush is a great game that anyone can win. I have myself been complaining about impossible levels here in the community for over a year now! I don't think it's okay at all. All I am saying is that King no longer claim that all their levels are beatable without boosters. They just don't, because it isn't true any more. In the past year or so they have changed the game. Remember the introduction of "legendary" levels? Since they brought that label in, there are now impossible to beat levels dotted about the game, not just in the 14,000 plus level range. These will hold up players who have run out of gold and boosters. King don't care if the players so held up quit, as losing a non paying player is no loss to them. Do check up some of my previous comments if you like, such as in this thread

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,824

    Hi Endorr,

    We've noticed your feedback and have checked with the level designers if any improvements can be done. They have confirmed that they have made some changes to the level so I wanted to check if you are still struggling with it?

    Hope to hear back from you soon 🙂

  • Endorr
    Endorr Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Thank you QueenB, I tried around 50 times today to no avail in finding a solution. There are NO vids anywhere of anyone solving this lvl without boosters, which, to me, simply sad, as the game play is not about skill, but using factored crutches to solve what what used to be a puzzle. I did get within 8 of beating the lvl, and that is the closest I have got. Thank you.


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