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DTinyG1117778 Posts: 15 Level 2

Sorry to scream in the discussion title, but that is what this game has come to. As I near level 14000. I am being blinded with these after almost EVERY move. I have to look away. It's so annoying. Why is this necessary? I've minimized the board on the PC to keep myself from going crazy, but my old eyes :(. It does not matter the format either. I think I hate this more than the constant pop up screens. Does King even play these game? So I think a person in a King staff meeting says " The level is hard, but let's make it even more torture", well you nailed it...good for you.


  • Oichi
    Oichi Posts: 109 Level 2

    its a bug with the resolution of the game it’s running on. I’m pretty sure the game is designed for 1080p or 720p so anything lower will make the text bigger and anything higher will make the text smaller. It also seems to affect the size of single use boosters as well.

    Since it’s based on the resolution of the game, there is nothing you can really do.

    I know it sounds stupid but I did some tests on why the size of the text and single use boosters was inconstant and it turns out to be the resolution of the game.

  • DTinyG1117778
    DTinyG1117778 Posts: 15 Level 2

    I just can't do it anymore. With free boosters ticking away right now, I'm done for the day. I should not have to get an old dinosaur with old resolution to play this game on without the flashing screens. It's giving me a migraine. Lame. They have ruined this game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?