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Why I'm not getting extra moves

vencyfrans Posts: 2

Level 1

I need to know the reason about extra moves


  • Extra moves generally need to be payed for with gold in Candy Crush saga. Anyone getting free extra moves by watching ads was lucky to get these ads. King take ads away from players whenever they please, to force you to buy extra moves with gold, and when you have no gold left to buy gold with real money. That is the reason: To make money for the company.

  • I'm not paying for anything, it's supposed to be a free game and they get revenue from the ads, I've used everything I had now have to play and hope everything drops in to place if not I'll be going into my second week on the same level

  • evitaspatton
    evitaspatton Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I do not understand why you give free moves to people who do not EVER buy any . My brother started playing long after I did and he is at level 14,000 plus getting extra moves after almost every game even if he has to watch a video and has NEVER paid for any.. He was the one who told me after trying to play my game and could not get anywhere with the level I was on 4,000 something and was surprised that he was so far ahead. How is this fair. Well I have spent my last $$$. There are too many other games that I can play.😩😩😩

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,316

    Hello @evitaspatton You are right, it is not fair! But the sad truth is that you are not getting to watch videos like your brother BECAUSE you spent real money on the game and if your brother ever spent money on Candy Crush then he too would lose those freebies, so please do warn him about that. It's the way King run this game: You either watch videos for boosters and extra moves, or you pay for boosters and extra moves, never both.

  • Yes that's true, I'm on 7050 I think, never paid anything,just watch the videos, when they work

  • 1923
    1923 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    II'm on level 15,537. Have enjoyed it for several years, but now no free plays. Not enjoyable anymore.

  • tiredoldman
    tiredoldman Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am in the low 16,000s. Two weeks ago I made the tragic mistake of buying some gold to pass a level I was simply stuck on. Why was it a tragic mistake? Because I lost every single freebie. No more extra goes, no more option of watching adds to get extra goes. Nothing.

    Given this incredibly crass move (I get "punished" for actually giving you money????????????), I will not give them another red cent. I might have spent more before, but after this? No way. I must have watched thousands (tens of thousands?) of revenue generating ads, and this is the thanks I get?

    I will continue to play until I finally get bored of having to play the same level again, and again and again, and then I will delete the app.

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