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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • awedamnit
    awedamnit Posts: 3

    Level 1

    This sucks! Shows 23 lives in the envelope, go to click on it that number disappears and only 3 lives are given to play!?! I'm NOT buying LIVES. If this doesn't change back, I AM NOT playing anymore!!

  • 20olean72
    20olean72 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Why is my game not updating

  • Lgarris2
    Lgarris2 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    I’m with you! Even though I get lives they go away and I end with about 3-4 lives every day. My sister just got 4 hours fee lives for New Years! I got nothing! Not right!

  • maresco
    maresco Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Unbelievable you have to wait like 8 hours to play with your lives. This game is getting worse

  • Sweetie3
    Sweetie3 Posts: 36

    Level 3

  • AnnetteHelmbold
    AnnetteHelmbold Posts: 6

    Level 2

    For months and months, I have received zero lives from my friends. I can send them all lives, but none ever get sent back to me. Is this a glitch in Candy Crush, or is there something on my computer blocking them in one of my settings? This is so irritating!

  • gordwarner
    gordwarner Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I agree with others that this change is not good. Please put it back the way it used to be.

  • naprilslackie
    naprilslackie Posts: 1

    Level 1

    My ability to send more than one life to my friends is gone. My friends are very important to me.

  • T0rr1e
    T0rr1e Posts: 285

    In my game to send more than one life to my friends I have to sign out of my game and than sign back in to send lives. I do this up to 3-5 times a day so that I can send my friends up to 3-5 lives per day. I know that this is very annoying for everybody, but I find this is the only way that I can send multiple lives per day. I hope that this way works for you as well. 🙂

  • gina_kay
    gina_kay Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same here. Before their new “Lives” update,” it made complete sense to me. Now, I don’t understand it at all!!!🤦‍♀️ I’ve read their explanation, but I’ve yet been able to use any of the lives given to me. I’ll accept lives given to me & it will show up in the right envelope. But, when I’m out of lives it doesn’t allow me to go back & use any of those lives. I’ll go on the game another day & see that a person sent me a life & accept it. It shows up in my middle envelope. But, that’s the only one that appears. My last envelope has reset. But no matter what I accept or envelope my lives show up in, I’m never able to use them & then, they’re gone; even though, they’ve never been used. SUPER FRUSTRATING!!!😩

    I’ve spent so much money on this game & have deleted it twice in the past bc I love this game so much, but get tired of getting baited into spending money. I went over a year without playing & told myself I’d never add this game back on my phone again. But, got bored waiting on our turn to exit our cruise & re-downloaded it again. I don’t let myself spend as much on this game as I used to, but I still find myself spending way more than one should have to, in order to play & stand a chance of passing certain levels. Now, with this new “Lives” update, I’m rethinking my decision & on the verge of deleting it yet again, but for good this time!

    I apologize for the long rant. I’m just super frustrated with this game.

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