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14989 pass without boosters

Anyone out there pass this level without boosters or extra moves? I am out of gold bars and do not have enough boosters to pass. I will not be buying anymore boosters or moves so King does not need my money and I do. I would love for King to show a video passing this level; but I know that will not happen. They don't seem to care since they never response to our posts. It has been fun; but not for the last 100 levels. Way too many need boosters or extra moves needed to pass these level. So, unless a miracle level come up, I will be ending my playing of Candy Crush.


  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 360
    edited March 26

    Update. After many days and too many attempts to count, I finally got a lucky board and was able to pass. Now I am on level 14995 and am stuck in the same situation. Hopefully a lucky board will be in my future.

  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 360

    Now on day 3 of level 14995 and way to many times played to count, still no luck. Needs more moves but out of gold bars. King needs to add back the moves they removed from the original board. Way too hard with the less moves. Need a lucky board.

  • pebbles2497
    pebbles2497 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    Just down like ridiculous.14989 is impossible. Then they think you'll buy by adding moves mines like up to 255. What a joke this game has become. King don't listen to players. . use to recommend tis game but not anymore,as they make it impossible to beat unless you pay pay pay. Way to tick off players ,..King job well done.

  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 360

    I know as we go further we expect some harder levels but there are so many that need boosters and extra moves that it has become laughable. I have also stopped recommending Candy Crush and many if my fellow have quit because King has taken all the enjoyment out of the game. I am hanging in there but not sure for how much longer. Good luck and hope lucky boards are on your way.

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