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Level 4018 stuck in loop

Level 4018 is stuck in a loop where bombs in adjacent columns keep exploding and setting each other off in an endless loop.  I have played this level numerous times and not come close to the target score so I hate to exit.  Any other way to get out of this loop and get credit for the round?


  • Hello @emeachum

    Welcome to the Community! How are you? I hope you are doing great crashing candies 🤗 

    I am not yet on that level but I can recommend you to watch videos on YouTube for hints and tips. Here is one of the videos

    Have a great day and keep crushing candies 🤗
  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497
    Thanks for sharing this, our team are looking into this. 

    I am sorry this problem is very frustrating, however, if you exit the level and go in again this should not happen 100% of the time. 

    We hope to have a fix soon! 

  • Namrata_Lodaya
    Namrata_Lodaya Posts: 96

    Level 3

    played a number of times this level but cant get through
  • Turamohammad
    Turamohammad Posts: 2

    Level 1

    emeachum said:
    Level 4018 is stuck in a loop where bombs in adjacent columns keep exploding and setting each other off in an endless loop.  I have played this level numerous times and not come close to the target score so I hate to exit.  Any other way to get out of this loop and get credit for the round?

  • Turamohammad
    Turamohammad Posts: 2

    Level 1 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?