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If you skip through cascade at end

cefilbert Posts: 16

Level 2

do you still accrue the points that the computer must know it was going to give you by the end of you kept watching? I notice my score tends to be lower if I don’t watch the cascade and I wonder if it was related.



  • SweetTooth8
    SweetTooth8 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I was curious about this too. I was wondering if I miss out on purple stars by not watching the cascade.

  • JohnnyCC
    JohnnyCC Posts: 25

    Level 3

    Yeah I've always wondered this too

  • rjXgray
    rjXgray Posts: 52

    Level 3

    I ve been running a couple experiments . If pick a whole episode and I tap skip the minute I can . The I do a whole episode and tap when the number of moves I have at the top runs to zero, then I tapped I let the game run until it kicked me out after all the candies had dome down (after my my move #’s reached zero and the few seconds after .

    I found the fifference to be negligible. It was about 3-5 purple cmore per game more if I let it fun thru . But it added 3-4+30 extra purple candies per level on average but it raised my time to an extra 5-8 minutes to finish the episode

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,153

    The points of the final cascade do count, even if you skip. I think it must be a coincidence that your score seems to be lower. In fact some levels have no purple candies, and some show up only in the cascade at the end. I always press "skip" straight away, but the purples at the end do get added to my score. I definitely recommend to always press "skip" as soon at it appears and I always do.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    I have always thought that you do not get the full count of the candies at the end if you skip? How can the game possibly know how long the cascade will last? On some levels there can be a long cacade. On a short ending I can see it but on a long one, I dunno!

    When I asked this ? many moons ago, when the skip button was 1st introduced, it was indicated to me that a long cascade can only really count if you see it through, otherwise, when you end it only the ones left on the board when you end it will count. I let it ride if I am going for something, especially on levels I have played before that I know have a long cascade.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,153
    edited April 2024

    @Scooterpie You are really asking how the game knows this? I am surprised. To me it is quite clear how the game knows this: It is decided by the game! The game algorithm of the end of level cascade is prewritten and pre set. You know this from the fact that different coloured candies start to drop at that point. So a level with only purple, greens and blues for example, as soon as the final cascade starts, and that skip option appears, yellows and reds will drop. This change was introduced by King last year with the purpose to limit the final cascade, so it is much shorter. It also means that King control what drops in the final cascade. Once the candies have stopped dropping from a player's actual final move, the game drops specified candies from the top to finish the level. Because of this the game definitely does know how many purples there will be. It is all written in the level algorithm!

    You still know levels with a long cascade? I bet they don't have any purple candies in them!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    ☝️You are right they do not have purple candies, but there are other things that we play Christine! I concern myself with other things! I do not worrry about algorithms, I play a different way…

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 292

    I have always skipped the cascade as soon as I can except when I am also playing for Season Pass.

    When your score is almost reaching the Sugar Stars, watch the cascade until sugar stars is confirmed then only you skip. You will get 2 points for Season Pass.

    If you skip before the Sugar Stars confirmation, you get only 1 point for Season Pass even though you still get the Sugar Stars after skipping.

  • rjXgray
    rjXgray Posts: 52

    Level 3

    I did a trial 3 times today. I played 3 episodes. Each one I took a picture of the screen after you finish the level , than I took a pic of the screen that had the all star candies and the time counting down. At the end of the episode I wrote down the time it took me for each level, the number of purple candies I collected and the number of turns (lives) I had left when I won the level. On one of them I got out immediately after winning the level regardless of how many turns/lives I had left. The second one I waited until the bitter end when it changes screens , and the 3rd one I waited until the timer had counted down completely but left at zero.

    I went back and analyzed speed versus candy collection [ and yes this all sounds pretty insane but I was also practicing and getting a strategy together for semi-finals].

    yes I did on everafe make more candies by staying in (especially if I had about 17-22 moves left); but it also added about 20-35 seconds to my time . Clearly if the game hadn’t had many purples anyway I would get out pronto . But if it had been really easy and fast to get to the win I would wait for a bit.

    In the case of just playing (not All Stars games) I always wait until the end because the sugar stars often will award at the very last second .

    That’s my 2 cents (and that’s probably what it’s worth. That was the most I’ve played this whole 2nd knockout . It was exhausting . I’m not confident at all about semi finals . But I’m keeping my hopes up .

    Sorry this was so long.

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