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A very strange(high) score in my group,



  • AvgJoe
    AvgJoe Posts: 2 Newbie

    I had the same thing happen in my group. This person comes out of nowhere gets a ton of points to take 1st place. I continue to play to maintain my standing. This person's score continues to rise, yet the profile said he was on yesterday? Final score was 44xxxx

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,025 Legend
    edited April 17

    Do NOT go by the player cards! Please note these are NOT up to date. They are NOT live! They are at least one day behind real time.

    Well done for qualifying to the next round. That is all that matters.

  • x_2024
    x_2024 Posts: 7 Level 2

    I do not have a screenshot of the top 10 at the beginning, it never cross my mind that there will be an issue. I was surprised when this player overtake me out of no where. BTW the picture with 78 levels won is the 1st screenshot and the 64 levels won is the 2nd screenshot. If you can check the properties of the screenshots you can see the time difference when I took those screenshots.

  • x_2024
    x_2024 Posts: 7 Level 2
  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,025 Legend
    edited April 17

    You don't understand what I am trying to explain to you: The player cards are not up to date. They are running a day or two behind. The levels shown are the levels the player passed in the previous week, the previous seven days.

    Tomorrow the player card for mimi will probably show all the levels they passed to get the million points during the night! But this will only show up tomorrow, not today.

    Also I'm not sure why this matter so much to you. You both qualified for the next round. It really doesn't matter if the player card is correct or not and there was certainly no reason why a player would want to or need to cheat in this round just past. This last round was just a qualifier round and all good players found it easy to pass to the final knockout round. The real competition does not start until Saturday. That is when it will get tough.

  • AvgJoe
    AvgJoe Posts: 2 Newbie

    You don't understand the anomalies we are pointing out. This weekend will be moot, since elimination and yet you see normal.high scores around 400k, yet these "superb" players can score that much in 2 hours. Yet in the above Mimi is at 4000 level and Xan is at 15000 level. These high scores must be reviewed for having unlimited resources of gold, and supplies they can use to cheat the system. Again telling us fair gamers to not worry because we qualified does not make it right for the cheaters taking others spots.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,025 Legend

    Yes, we will see some pretty impressive scoring this weekend, but I don't think it is fair calling individual players cheaters when you do not know how they got the boosters or gold they are using to help their game. One can get large amount of resources and gold by these means: Start a new game several months before the event. Play the way the game intends, using boosters wisely and taking advantage of all the in game events. Win every episode race. Every player can win every episode race, giving 40 gold each. If you spend less gold than you make per episode then you will make a gold profit. This adds up over time. This is the game I started in January.

    As you can see it has not many boosters but 549 gold to use to play on on the most difficult levels, when it needs to to keep a win streak. It is currently playing at an easy level range, which means even if I play an episode quickly (in 25 minutes) I still make a gold profit, so I can play starting boosters and will not run out of gold any time soon. Levels up to about 2000 are quite easy to pass. There are thousands of honest players who can play as fast and faster as I play and score 140,000 to 200,000 per hour without losing gold. After all, each Champions race gives 40 back!

    Alternatively any player might have spent money in the Candy Shop to stock up on gold and boosters ready for the event. You would not know this. You cannot know this. So please don't call these players cheaters because they might have spent a fortune to get ready for this event. How do you know they did not buy the offers in the Candy Shop to get their boosters and gold? Only King have a record of that. I hope they will use it to eliminate the real cheaters. It is their job to do this, and maybe with the many changes we have seen over the past 12 months they will eliminate any cheaters.

  • Brandenmagruder
    Brandenmagruder Posts: 5 Level 2

    I’m just saying this as an individual player 750k in a day is not anything crazy. I just got over 1.3 million in a day and a half I get 250k score in like 2 hours..

  • x_2024
    x_2024 Posts: 7 Level 2

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?