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What’s wrong with level 520 or my game skills.

Connie_Crushen Posts: 14

Level 2

Hi community,
After the disappointment of level 502, and Still feeling said about my lost number #1 position in the competition, I finally managed (with some backstage help I guess) to get kind of a win streak again, and collected some boosters, so I was hoping that I could qualify for the second round of this competition.
confident and more positive I fully focussed on winning again for the 2nd qualification round. But now I played 20 levels to lose everything again on level 520, and tried the game for several times now all ready. Bcus there maybe is a chance that’s it not my play skills I’m gonna upload a video of my actions and maybe some one can tell me what I do wrong..

the link for my last try finishing level 520 is on the end of this message.

Ps; all the videos I watched show players with more than 19moves, some players even have 24😳.

🤐 okay! Thanx already and apologies for all my newbie questions.

Best Answers

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868
    Answer ✓

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for reporting , I will pass this feedback to the game team.

    Some levels may get updated after the release and therefore look different from when other players played it. All Youtube videos are uploaded by other players and not by King. After a player uploaded their video the level may have been updated and therefore look different when you check it.

    Make sure to filter your Youtube search by date to get the newest videos first and then also the most current level version.

    Please find more details and help on the page HERE.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,041
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Connie_Crushen It's definitely not your game skills at fault here! Candy Crush is largely predetermined by the computer algorithms King write into the game, which determine how "lucky" your board will be. Generally levels have become harder since the videos you see on YouTube were made. We are at the mercy of King's level designers. Candy Crush is not a game based on skill. During All Stars some levels have been made deliberately harder to pass so more players will spend money on the game. Don't fall for this!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868
    Answer ✓

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for reporting , I will pass this feedback to the game team.

    Some levels may get updated after the release and therefore look different from when other players played it. All Youtube videos are uploaded by other players and not by King. After a player uploaded their video the level may have been updated and therefore look different when you check it.

    Make sure to filter your Youtube search by date to get the newest videos first and then also the most current level version.

    Please find more details and help on the page HERE.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,041
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Connie_Crushen It's definitely not your game skills at fault here! Candy Crush is largely predetermined by the computer algorithms King write into the game, which determine how "lucky" your board will be. Generally levels have become harder since the videos you see on YouTube were made. We are at the mercy of King's level designers. Candy Crush is not a game based on skill. During All Stars some levels have been made deliberately harder to pass so more players will spend money on the game. Don't fall for this!

  • Connie_Crushen
    Connie_Crushen Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I did spend a lot off money and was thinking that this maybe was the reason I didn’t pass a few stages.
    Sometimes I almost finished with one candy left to crush. Costed me 3 euro’s every times.
    well maybe I’m not good enough because im stuck at level 535 right now.

  • Connie_Crushen
    Connie_Crushen Posts: 14

    Level 2

    maybe I’m just not good enough.
    or spend enough money.
    allready spent like 50 euro the last 150 levels,…

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?