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level 4084 and growing chocolate

Need 40 chocolate on level 4084. Only 6 chocolate are on the board at start. To grow the chocolate we are given 28 moves. Cannot get enough chocolate in this amount of moves and have to buy extra moves with gold. This is not a fair playing field. Please correct this level so it is possible to win.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    edited December 2018
    Hi @Banished, I remember this level very well!  The way to clear this level is to let the chocolate grow on the bottom right and then hit it with a flying saucer.  

    Are you sure that you need to collect 40 chocolate because I just opened my game and I only need 30?  The videos online are also showing just 30.  I don't know where you are playing the game - mobile or computer but check to see if you have the last version of the game - it should be 1.139.0.  

  • Banished
    Banished Posts: 82

    Level 3

    I have since passed this level and it was originally 40 chocolate to collect and only 28 moves. I am happy for upcoming players it has been made passable now. 
  • cazmartini
    cazmartini Posts: 150
    edited January 2019
    I am playing this level and it keeps ending the game with moves left even though I still have chocolate left to hit. It says I don’t have enough to finish the level when I clearly do. @xcarly
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @Carol_Martins, I think I've lost my mind.  Didn't I answer you in another message about getting an error message about not enough chocolate or was I dreaming it?  LOL!  Could you possibly do a print screen and upload it here so that I can get a better idea of what's going on?
  • Hi Elsa. It was a different level we were having issues with. Again after posting I finally beat the level. Thanks so much for your response though 😀
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    If responding to you is going to clear your levels then I will just keep doing that!
  • that would be awesome Elsa!!! lol 

  • boaterboy
    boaterboy Posts: 6

    Level 2

    This level is broken - it said the level had failed due to not enough order targets available, even though I had 5 moves left and only needed 4 more chocolate, with 2 chocolate on the board. I have a screenshot if this would help; as it stands there is no point playing anymore...
  • I have the same issue level failed not enough order targets but I still have enough moves left and chocolate on the board.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @boaterbay, the reason why it might have said that you failed was because you might not have been able to grow more.  I got the same message this week but it doesn't tell you what order it's for.  The pop up just says not enough order targets available but then it closed so I could never find out why.  I can't remember what I was supposed to collect. 

    This is what I am going to do this weekend for all of you.  I am going to keep my eyes open to see if anyone else reports this.  In the meantime, if any of you have this again, can you please give me the level number and what orders you had to collect?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?