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Number of moves keeps changing

Why is the number of moves drastically changing to less moves on a lot of the levels? It’s not right that King is doing that. On the level I’m on now, 1781, there used to be 40 there are only 18 moves. A lot of people seeing this change, while others are not. It should be a level playing field.... stop changing the number of moves! It’s not fair!


  • sandyk1614
    sandyk1614 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Been playing for years now..and am pretty good.   Level 1781 is ridiculous and I don’t see where we can pass it.  I’ve even looked for online help and am not seeing any ..please take a look at this level again.. 18 moves is NOT enough.  
  • lisadini
    lisadini Posts: 3

    Level 1

    How do you justify changing the amount of moves on certain levels??? I mean drastically change! I’m on level 1332 and it went from 40 to 12! Is it to get us to pay for boosters? It’s ridiculous. I can’t even find a video without it having 40 moves! If you’re going to be so unfair King, at least give us help on how to beat them. 
  • lisadini
    lisadini Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Time to delete this app. Candy crush saga used to be so much fun to seems now it’s total bs. Can not beat levels, the hint that shows up instantly after every move is just a ploy, you have programmed this game to lose, unless you put more and more money into it. What a joke! I’m so done! Too bad you couldn’t keep this game genuine. Pathetic!
  • pajarito
    pajarito Posts: 81

    Level 3

    Hello friends!! do not get angry; it's a game. Enjoy it and do not let it beat you. If they have reached these levels, they can continue advancing more. Greetings.
  • jujube
    jujube Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I am having the same problem on level 2207. I'm only getting 12 moves and I have read others have gotten 20. Please fix this.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,537

    You can read what our Community Manager wrote about it here:

    If you see videos online showing more moves, this is the reason.  The videos are outdated because the video creators make them when the levels are first released.  The studio monitors all levels when they are released and they check to see how many players clear a specific level and how long it takes for them to clear it.  If it's too easy or too difficult they will "tweak" the levels a bit.  The video creators can't keep up with the studio changes so you are still only seeing the first video release.

  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Hi Lisadini!

    I understand your frustration. There is a reason why the moves are lessened. If you look and compare the OLD with the NEW VERSION, you'd realize that the LEVEL LABEL is changed from EASY with PINK BOARD to HARD with PURPLE BOARD to SUPER HARD with BLUE BOARD and a SKULL next to the LEVEL NUMBER to NIGHTMARISHLY HARD with GLOOM AND DOOM BLACK with DARK BLUE TRIM and ODUS THE OWL next to the LEVEL NUMBER. The higher degree of difficulty of course will NOT BE THERE if the NUMBER of MOVES stays the same. Time change, people change, WHY NOT GAME CHANGE? They are NOT PURPOSELY DOING these changes to MAKE US LOSE. They want MORE PLAYERS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE to STAY IN THE GAME WORLD. They are making these changes to ENHANCE THE LEVELS so the GAME GETS MORE EXCITING. Whether you AGREE or NOT, always BEATING THE LEVEL, DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE FEELING OF SATISFACTION that you get  when you ACHIEVE THE GOAL in an EXTREMELY DIFFICULT SITUATION WITHIN or in LESS MOVES than what is ALLOTTED. You have to look at this in a positive way. YOU ALONE can make the DECISION if you want to UNINSTALL THE GAME. If you've been PLAYING CANDY CRUSH FOR YEARS, I guarantee you that YOU'LL MISS IT. LIFE WON'T BE MUCH FUN IF YOU COULDN'T GET EVEN AND BREAK THE "MAGIC MIXERS" A.K.A. "THE EVIL SPAWNERS". THINK ABOUT IT! 😉😉
  • JJTJohnnylightning
    JJTJohnnylightning Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I1. used to play Candy Crush Saga 4 years ago on my girlfriend account to 4,500 plus levels it was fun then. Now this new revised version is a lot harder with fewer moves. From cutting more than half on many levels. They about making players spend more money by boosters, gold bars moves add more time to bombs to make more money $$$$$$ than before it is a turn off and frustrating for me and for most players now especially if you are starting over and new players. They need add more moves to the levels not take half to 3/4 of the moves.

    2. Why do we have pay $ 1.99 for a reward for Candy Chronicles after collecting the 8 Kingdom Scrolls it used to be FREE?

    A players has to beat 8 hard levels and then after you are asked to pay $1.99 for your hard fought reward that is ridiculous and totally wrong. Does anyone pay for a reward for winning a race a trophy a medal or ribbon it is free because you earned for winning same should apply for completing 8 hard levels.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?