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My final big test: Can a non cheater win All Stars?

christinewupp Posts: 7,042 Legend

I have spent a year running this test, ever since All Stars 2023. The verdict isn't quite in yet. I have started two games and one of them is still definitely in the running, the one I started in January. But for Sunflower which I started last summer I fear the end is nigh and I don't know if I will make it to the Final Knockout Round. It's a very tight competition and I hardly have any gold left.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,042 Legend

    Now anyone thinking I am a bit arrogant to believe that just because I can't do this why wouldn't someone else be able to win All Stars without cheating, let me put this before you:

    Since All Stars 2023 King have taken full control over most of the episodes and the events, quite possibly with All Stars 2024 in mind. @Pyrolight has been a great help in illustrating to us all how the algorithms are worked by King, so thank you for your input!

    The game algorithms are set and pre determined and change frequently. There are now legendary levels that can not be beaten on a first attempt without boosters or paying gold. At a certain point in time, that is. Some weeks King make some episodes and levels easier, some weeks they make them harder. But basically King control who passes and which boosters will need to be played to pass.

    King no longer give out enough boosters or gold in events to allow a player past a certain point in the game without either paying money or being very patient and playing very slowly. The last method will not win anyone All Stars. The first probably would, but it might be at a cost that is quite substantial in cash being spent. Not recommended!

    This is supposed to be a discussion though, so I would invite comments from anyone wishing to disagree.

    Just to clarify, what I call "cheating" in this context is any method that would be against the terms and conditions, which do state that using unintended glitches in the algorithm would be classed as a cheat. So I only count players who never intentionally change the time or date on their devices to bypass how the game is intended to be played. And of course any computer tricks you might know about that you ever used in that particular King account to gain boosters or gold. Assuming anyone with an old account from the good old days would have squandered all their gold and boosters in All Stars 2023, that argument of having "saved up" all those boosters doesn't count for me either. I don't believe you used no glitches to get them. Buying them with gold works, and that is how I got to level 6651, but eventually you are forced to spend it all and King have firm control of that.

    I started two brand new accounts last summer and one this January for my test.

    Of course, then again, the mere fact that I have more than one iOS account probably would disqualify me by being against the one account per platform rule. But since this is a test only I won't class that as cheating in this context as I am only trying to prove a point or provide evidence, not actually win All Stars!

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,035 Legend

    Unlucky @christinewupp those are some high scoring players.

    I have played one Episode on Friday, one on Monday and I have just finished my Episode for the day. This is what my All Stars looks like.

    The levels seemed to have a ramp up in difficulty today and even some of the unmarked levels required gold to complete them. The first four levels of the Episode were made up of an unmarked level that neded gold to complete a Hard level and two Nightmarishly Hard levels.

    Ah well.

    As to whether a non-cheater can win All Stars I would say only a non-cheater can win as King seem to do a good job of stopping them getting to the final.

    I won't be winning though. I only seem to average a score of 77,500 per Episode which means I would have to play 52 Episodes just to make 4,000,000 points. That equates to thirteen episodes a day over four days. As I struggle to play one Episode a day thirteen is out of the question.

    The whole thing feels like a bit of a con to be honest. The layout of the Event just seems to to exist to maximise the amount of money that King can make from it. All the players that started at the very start in the Qualifiers are still in the game now because every player gets chance after second chance. No one is eliminated from the competition until the end of the Second Chance 2 Round 2. Not only are players not eliminated, but new players can join the competition right up until the start of Second Chance 2 round 2. How is that fair to people that think they have been playing in 'knockout' rounds. It is hardly a knockout if you can just rejoin in the very next Second Chance round.

    In essence the whole competition could be run over a week.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,035 Legend
    edited April 16

    Deleted: original post sent for approval causing a double post.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    Looks like the forum monster got you Alienscar

    Also suspecting the sheer level of horse dung that will come flying at us I just straight up bailed.

    Even QueenB has been oddly silent since the event started. She is either on one heck of a bender or she knows what is coming…

    Anyway, now that I have seen "all Stars"… my general opinion of it would break the forum filter.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,035 Legend

    Yes @Pyrolight apparently the word c (o) n is on the list of words that needs approving.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,042 Legend

    You are both so wise! It's great to not be alone in this. What a joy we can actually laugh about it all. What a farce. Well, at least they don't call the next round a "semifinal", like they did last year.

    Well done in your group @Alienscar, I hope you make it through to the marathon round.

    I must admit that I sent my Sunflower game up front as a bit of a self sacrifice really. I wanted to make sure I knew if these were limited number leaderboards or not, and I really wanted to post here and warn others to delay joining if they weren't. So poor Sunflower joined right at the start and got grouped with all the enthusiasts. The other two games waited for a day and a half and got much easier opposition. I haven't given up yet. I'll see if those three Americans on my leaderboard stop once they've overtaken me, and I'll set my alarm for 6am. I can score 140,000 per hour (It used to be 180,000 a few months ago. So either I've lost my crushing power or King have made the levels harder…… ) so when I get up I'll know if I have a chance to overtake one of them, hoping they might be fast asleep….

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,042 Legend

    I won't be able to complete the final test of course, because I won't have the time to crush all out for next week. So I will have to put my case theoretically.

    My current situation in the game I started January.

    I happen to know the next few levels will be easy and I can probably expect to make a gold profit for a few more episodes. My usual playing strategy would be to play starting colour bomb and wrap/stripe and then whatever single booster I need at the end to keep my win streak or play on. I got to a maximum of 3000 gold using this strategy with my other game, which also spent quite a lot during leadership events, so I will assume that it will be the same here and that I won't run out of gold until level 6000.

    Since the start of All Stars I have been able to crush maybe 150,000 per hour and play an episode in 25 minutes, but let's call it 30 for ease of calculations. I could probably play for 10 hours per full day and then for 3 hours up to 8am on 24th if I get up early enough. That might give me a maximum score of close to 5 million and get me to about level 2000. There would be plenty of decent levels left if this strategy works, but we will have to wait and see if 5million is a score that would win the first final knockout round.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 542 Level 3

    I haven't even tried to play All Stars, so I can't give an opinion one way or another.

    But you guys have given me utter enjoyment and enlightenment and insight from your posts. Y'all do make me laugh at times! Thank you!

    Have a great day/evening! 😸

  • dannooo
    dannooo Posts: 3 Newbie

    I'm at above level 9000, can't imagine doing an ep in 30 min, skull levels are brutal to say the least. Doing an ep in 45 is the best I can do.

    But if 1,000,000 is all I got hope that does it

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