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Let People Earn Gold Bars

Alienscar Posts: 15,035 Legend
edited April 19 in Discussions

Hello alienscar ...isn't the point of the game for it to be fun for all unemployed unaffordable or affordable is it right that it's made too hard so people are forced off playing or forced to buy boosters or forced to get frustrated when all people want is to have fun without being forced to buy things in the game ???????

Hello @hug001 you asked me the question above, but your discussion is now read only so I couldn't answer you.

This is a tough question hug as fun means different things to different people. First thing I would say is no, the point of the game isn't about fun for everyone. The game is a free to download game that includes in-game purchases. Like a lot of games that include in-app purchases (loot boxes) it could be argued that the aim of the game is not about fun, but all about microtransactions. That is, the point of the game is about making money for the owner of the app. No gaming business would exist if all games were so much fun and easy to play that there wasn't some kind of incentive for some of players to buy things for their game. Without profit there are no businesses.

Like a lot of games that include optional purchases there has to be a balance and there comes a point when customers that don't want to pay either can't continue or fall behind paying customers in various in-game contests.

Personally I think King handle microtransactions a bit better than some other companies. At least King will let you complete a really difficult level eventually if you play it for long enough. In some games there are hard pay walls that can't be passed without paying.

Candy Crush is cleverly designed to make it psychologically addictive. You could have fun playing level 1000 or 2882 over and over again, but the game is designed to make players want to advance. Win the Weekly Contest, Win the Episode Race, get the jackpot from the Booster Wheel, complete the Chocolate Box. It is all just psychological trickery to get you to keep playing and ultimately to get you to pay to keep playing. Even the five lives is part of the trickery as its purpose is to create a longing for the time to hurry up or be shorter.

Once you understand this and can learn to ignore it you might find the game more fun. Just play one level at a time at your own pace and try to learn to enjoy the challenge when you are stuck for awhile.


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