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Final Knockout Round 1 - what to expect and how to win?

christinewupp Posts: 6,823 Level 5

Final Knockout round 1: You will have to come top of your leaderboard to progress to the next round.

It will last a total of 90 hours, so no player can play non-stop for the entire period. This means you WILL get overtaken while you rest. Those will be players who crush while you are asleep but there may be a chance to overtake them again when they sleep. Only you will know what score you are personally capable of.

We don't know yet how many players will be on each leaderboard, so there may be new players joining your group and playing fast to overtake you from behind. Don't cry "cheater" just because a player does this. A score of about 200,000 per hour is achievable by a good player.

Don't try to crush all out for too long. Rest is important and will help you crush better.

Don't spend money during the round. If you need boosters and gold to stay in the running, set your budget now and buy what you need now. Anyone spending money during the round is far too likely to get carried away and waste money on a hopeless cause. Don't!!!

I won't be taking part myself, but I have calculated that if I played for 10 hours per day I could score 5 million points during the next round. I am not the best or fastest player, so expect the winning scores to be more than that.


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