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All stars competition is just scam for King to make money surely

Wendy_Dersley Posts: 3 Newbie

I had invested in the bonuses and gold bars which I don’t normally do but I thought it was a good investment in a competition which had a good return. However, after leading my group for most of the time I finally came up against someone who kept earning points but never won a level. My levels changed and I earned points with each one but this other kept increasing at a faster rate even though their level did not change from one day to the next. I can’t help but think this is just a scam. Won’t be playing this game ever again and I have played it off an on for over 5 years!


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,359 Candy Moderator
    edited April 24

    Hello @Wendy_Dersley🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    We have multiple complaints in the last 2 days about the same issue! So, I have inquired with our Community In-charge and this is what they informed me⬇️

    "The reason for this is not necessarily that the player is cheating. I heard from the studio that this "Activity this week" information does not update that often. The leaderboards update in realtime, so players will continuously see the correct score of their opponents. The score shown on these player cards might only be updated a few times per day."

    But, if you still suspect foul play, please feel free to report through this link —> How to report cheating? (click on the green letters to open the link). The Player Support team will be able to see if there is cheating involved👍️

  • Wendy_Dersley
    Wendy_Dersley Posts: 3 Newbie

    I understand that it is not realtime but I would have expected it to update at some point over the 48 hours. It was odd that everyone else’s was updating just not the one who kept moving above me into first position. They also managed to stay awake all day but only when I played a round - t was if they had a way of knowing I was online (unless they literally were watching my score 24/7??) I am sure this person was not a real person.

    Therefore I have sent this complaint further. I only risked what I could afford on but I am concerned that some people would have risked a lot of money thinking this was a fair competition.

  • Wookthewookster
    Wookthewookster Posts: 16 Level 2

    100% a scam...same thing is happening right now on the tournament. Player is a bot and let's you catch up kind of than jumps ahead 60k in an impossible amount of time. There is more than one bot too as one stopped playing and another caught up like 400k in like 30 minutes..there levels completed never change and they just keep moving just far enough ahead to bait you to buy bars. Need a class action lawsuit as promising prize money off a rigged game you buy into.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,720 Legend

    I understand that it is not realtime but I would have expected it to update at some point over the 48 hours.

    Hello @Wendy_Dersley the point you have missed about the Player Card is that it doesn't matter if they update every hour, or every 48 hours because they are inaccurate and do not always show real/accurate values. We have seen a Player Card that shows a player on level zero and a Player Card that shows a player on level 19,000. There are only 16,000 levels to play so hopefully you can see why you can't/shouldn't use the Player Card as evidence of anything.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?