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Please take an action to banning a player he is cheating the game

luisaabreu197101 Posts: 9 Level 2

My name is Luisa I’m currently the player #8 from Canada, I want to inform you guys we are in the final knockout round 2/3 live events

The first player playing by name Darth Vader/Germany confess by changing his/her name that he is cheating.

Take a view by yourself, he increase the point so fast, is insane the way that he could do that, please banned this person from the game, to make the game fair and safe for all the users.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 151,037 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. King does not condone cheating and their team is always working on improving the games and finding ways to stop such behavior. If our in-game cheater detection system detects suspect game play, they will investigate it further. If cheating has occurred the player will be suspended.  

    Please reach out to our Player Support Team in order to report it! 

  • luisaabreu197101
    luisaabreu197101 Posts: 9 Level 2

    My name is Luisa I’m currently the player #8 from Canada, I want to inform you guys we are in the final knockout round 2/3 live events

    The first player playing by name Darth Vader/Germany confess by changing his/her name that he is cheating.

    Take a view by yourself, he increase the point so fast, is insane the way that he could do that, please banned this person from the game, to make the game fair and safe for all the users.

  • luisaabreu197101
    luisaabreu197101 Posts: 9 Level 2

    also he is changing the time check by yourself please, don’t let this person going to the final round with those cheating.

    why 3 people from the same round is complaining by the same situation, do something

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,939 Legend

    Hello @luisaabreu197101 to report a suspected cheat please use the Report Abuse button at the bottom of this page. You will need screenshots in support of your complaint.

    The first player playing by name Darth Vader/Germany confess by changing his/her name that he is cheating.

    What do you mean by this Luisa? Do you mean he changed his in-game name to 'cheat'

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,939 Legend
    edited April 26

    @luisaabreu197101 also he is changing the time 

    I would be surprised if they are changing the time on their device as everyone else that has done this has lost the event from their device.

    check by yourself please,

    do something

    Take a view by yourself,

    please banned this person from the game

    I think you have misunderstood this forum Luisa. Everyone here has the same status as you. That is, we are all just players of Candy Crush, so we can't take any any action to influence your game just as you can't change our games.

    You must use the Report Abuse button at the bottom of this page to contact King if you want something done about Darth Vader.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?