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  • Sidewinder107
    Sidewinder107 Posts: 13 Level 2

    I am curious how much time did you play a day? I played 12 hours a day just to catch up to the top two spots that seem to over take me and pull away while I was sleeping. So I figured on the second to last day, I would play longer. That way on the last day I would over take them and pull away. Well that didn't seem to work for the top spot. It does seem strange, I mean look at both our score cards, it's like we are playing against ourselfs. I also noticed on the second to last day. I stopped to take my dog out for about 20 minutes and the top two spots started playing again, but stopped shortly after and at that time the person in third was the leader. Then when I started to get close to taking the lead they would start playing again. I think the so called person that won top spot on my leader board is some kind of bot. It only plays if the leader is playing and only starts playing if someone else is getting close to the leader, or when you get within so many thousands of being the leader. But stops if you do and plays constantly if you are for the top spot. I mean it does make since. Why would the top spot want to go head to head for 19 hours straight constantly playing knowing by now I could catch and pass them. I mean it just don't make much since. Don't seem like a good strategy, it did work for them. But to turn around and do it again in six hours lol. Reason I was wondering is it would probably take me 20 hours a day to get 8 million or close to it. Most of my levels sucked for getting lots of stars.

  • GiggzZz
    GiggzZz Posts: 20 Level 2

    I played like 12h/day and I remember playing one entire night. I dont know what was my average pace on candies, but i reached 165.540 per hour.

    I might have loss, because my opponent "trapped" me with offline play, só I stopped playing… When we were playing both online, my pace was much faster than him.

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