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How is this possible

stephenamanda Posts: 33 Level 2

This person in my group of 50 is somehow getting some major points. I would say I am very very good and to top it off I literally have been playing for 24 hours strait. This person in second place stopped playing for about four hours this morning. I was able to get ahead of him by over 300 thousand points. Yet he is about to catch up to me. An I seriously have not stopped playing at all. Is this not strange to anyone else?


  • MeilynsChaos
    MeilynsChaos Posts: 38 Level 2

    well they're obviously ssharing Accounts with that name😅but yes. Personally I just surpassed someone after being 700 k + behind today. It was super hard but I did it

  • diceasor
    diceasor Posts: 2 Newbie

    I started within seconds, and the person had over 100 thousand which I found very strange since it had just started. I might have done okay but we had a death in the family I went down to 24th got up to 10th but just gave up. Life sucks I've dealt with to much death lately and it just sucks. I tried as much as I could after but it wouldn't have helped. Honestly I don't know how someone starts with that much points. It's fishy to me.

  • stephenamanda
    stephenamanda Posts: 33 Level 2

    You r not understanding. I'm referring to the account Gg. The one in first place is actually my wife account. And no we don't share account. She plays. I am just her hype man. I make sure to do everything around the house so that she doesn't have to stop playing. While also giving her her red bull drinks. Lol I just helped her set up her account on here and we put both our names because even though I don't play this is a team effort. Like I literally have kept her up way past her usual time she goes to bed. And when she is tired of playing and wants to give up I remind her why she is doing this. For our family. This is life changing money and a chance to really get dept taken care of . Like I said her HYPE MAN. LOL SO THAT IS WHY BOTH OUR NAMES IS ON THE LEADER BOARD. And if KING or anyone else thinks this account is shared they can and have my permit to check phone data or whatever they want to show that this account is only being played by one person. However they wanna check is fine with me. Plus I'm sure a lot of other couples are doing this same thing for ther partner. It's my way of contributing without violating any of the rules set forth in the terms and conditions.

  • MeilynsChaos
    MeilynsChaos Posts: 38 Level 2

    ah, my bad. If they go through levels faster than you, they can catch up quickly. My leader board was over 700 k ahead of me and I caught up and surpassed her today, 8 hours before it ended and basically forced her to give up after a 17 hour battle and she realized she wouldn't be able to catch up 😅 I started back up at around 575 k and she was well over 1.3 million points when I decide to go for it again.

  • MeilynsChaos
    MeilynsChaos Posts: 38 Level 2

    also my husband is doing the same but he's taking care of the kids and dogs for me. When I wanted to stop, he kept giving me the speal about the turtle and the rabbit so I casually played a level every few minutes to keep track of my score board and to make sure number 2 didn't try to pull a fast one on me but I had feeling she was really tired of battling me all day thinking she had it in the beginning 🤭

  • SupportIt
    SupportIt Posts: 2 Newbie

    wow, that’s half of where my wife was. Why couldn’t she have been in a bracket like this.

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