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Level 720 Stuck AGAIN!

Again only 12 moves, others have 30! From what I have been told and read, its part of testing. How can I be removed from this testing?  I want off this testing list! It is ridiculous that the moves are cut in half or more!! I think it is a way to get us to buy boosters or more moves!! 


  • jennmcdo34
    jennmcdo34 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Okay, so apparently I also am someone "stuck" with the lame 12 moves that are impossible for this level.
    Please, what should I do now?  
  • jennmcdo34
    jennmcdo34 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited January 2019
    I'm one of the impatient dumb dumbs that pays sometimes to move up certain levels.  I don't need THIS!!!
  • jennmcdo34
    jennmcdo34 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I'm one of the dumb dumbs that pays every so often when I go to certain levels.  And now I'm stuck with THIS??  I am about to call my bank and have them dispute today's charges/fees.  I'm not kidding,  How can I talk to customer service about this????

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?