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AllStars Competition - "Cheaters" videos

Piper61 Posts: 5 Level 2

I would like to pose the question…if there is a YouTube video showing players how to obtain unlimited lives, gold bars, and how to manipulate the "time" by changing the date….is it possible that some players "manipulated' the date and time to get so far ahead of everyone else within minutes/hours of the start. When I start the final round at 9am EDT, people already had hundreds of thousands of points! After watching the video's to see how to "manipulate" the game by adjusting time, I am speculating that in order to obtain hundreds of thousands of points within minutes of the start of the final round, folks did just that. I still am bothered (as others are) that I made it to the final round only to watch the first and second place folks start with hundreds of thousands of points within the first hour of play! I spent way to much money (stupidly) thinking I had a shot at (legitimately) playing and possibly getting through to the lives. I probably will not play this game any more or at the very least, not play in any tournament game from King. It was fun while it lasted.


  • Destrie
    Destrie Posts: 1 Newbie

    this is exactly my thought I really wish it was more we could do.

  • Piper61
    Piper61 Posts: 5 Level 2

    I wish I could get all that money back that I (stupidly) spent trying to catch people who obviously had a huge advantage from the start. I know this game is strategy but I cannot see how anyone can beat each stage and never lose a life without some type of support! The only support I can see would be the "cheater" videos posted unless everyone that came in first place to make the live game are absolute genius' to get through each game without losing a life or getting held up for any reason! That of course would not explain the point accumulation…oh well!

  • Piper61
    Piper61 Posts: 5 Level 2

    Maybe next year - King decides NOT to disclose the prizes so the tournament can be fair. King has continued to say they did not see any cheating but I am wondering if they are aware of the "cheaters" videos that allow people to obtain endless lives, endless gold bars, etc. Maybe King needs to have more security around their game to prevent future mishaps. It is unfortunate for those of us who did not "cheat" or have a team to play for the duration without sleeping!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?