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Multiple Accounts

christinewupp Posts: 6,746 Level 5
edited May 2 in Discussions

I have been accused of being a cheater in All Stars because I have multiple player accounts. I would like to find out how I can participate next year without breaking any rules.

I am aware that by accepting the terms and condition we agree to not:

create more than one King Account per platform to access our Services

share your King Account or login information with anyone, unless these Terms allow it

use another person or entity's email address in order to sign up to use our Services

So does anyone have any idea how I could participate in All Stars 2025 as an honest player?

I have had a King Account for many years, but of course I would not have got to level 15,762 without spending my life savings had I not broken this rule at some point during my many years of playing my original game:

4.6.1. Using or taking advantage of any exploit or vulnerability in CCS which is not expressly authorized by us, or would reasonably be considered to not have been intended by us (in each case, whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise);

(I read the above as meaning taking advantage of any glitches in the game to aid our game, such as those that involve changing the clock on your device)

So if my original game is a cheater and any new game that I created to test if I could win without cheating is also a cheater, just because I already had a previous account, do I have to delete my account to participate in All Stars 2025?

And if I deleted my original account would I even then be allowed to create a new account? Or would that still mean that I "created more than one account", because I had created other accounts in the past?



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,720 Legend

    Do what @Colleen12 has just done and get your game reset by King.

    Alternatively start a new game and get King to delete all your other games

    To break the rules @christinewupp you must have more than one account not have had more than one account

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 2,400 Level 4

    Good questions @christinewupp and I'm curious to see the answer!

    Many of the players in the lead during the 2nd knockouts had new or newer accounts.

    These are the levels from the top 6 players from the 2nd knockouts with 101:43:20 remaining.

    490, 536, 541, 893, 5946, 5968 (me)

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 883 Level 3

    Well if you have an Iphone, Android, Win App/Facebook/Amazon. That is three and you would not be breaking any rules if "platform" generally refers to OS.

  • Colleen12
    Colleen12 Posts: 783 Level 4

    @Pyrolight exactly I only have one account which is also linked with my King Community Account. I play on Android, Windows and occasionally Facebook and I consider this to be multiple platforms not accounts.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,746 Level 5

    Thanks for all the answers. I don't use anything other than Apple devices nor any social media except this community, so your suggestions are out for me @Pyrolight .

    If I deleted all my other accounts I wouldn't be able to scroll back to any of the higher levels to check them out and compare levels and to help other players, which has been my main reason for being in this community. So I don't want to do that @Alienscar .

    I guess I'll just continue to play illegally then. I might carry on with my newest non cheating game for All Stars next year, because how can King even know if that Christine is the same Christine who has that other game on that other Apple device with that other email account anyway? But seriously, they don't hold enough data on us to legally identify the person playing the game under any particular email account, and surely if we have two or three email addresses we can play one game under each of them. I very much doubt King will have the means to check up on any of the winners in All Stars this year to ascertain which of these are people who also have a different King account on the same platform. Or can anyone suggest how they might do that? So your point is very valid @Kerrie and I am certain that all these new accounts were from experienced players with older accounts. That is the only way any of us could succeed in All Stars.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,720 Legend
    edited May 3

    If I deleted all my other accounts I wouldn't be able to scroll back to any of the higher levels to check them out and compare levels and to help other players, which has been my main reason for being in this community.

    Don't let this community rule your life @christinewupp. The advice you provide to people stuck on levels is some of the best I have seen on this forum, but I don't think you should let that shape every decision you make. The shocking lack of CM or Mod response in the All Stars or when you tag them in my opinion means that you should put yourself first in your decision making.

    how can King even know if that Christine is the same Christine who has that other game on that other Apple device with that other email account anyway? But seriously, they don't hold enough data on us to legally identify the person

    They don't need your name and personal information to identify you electronically.

    They use your IP address, browser fingerprinting and possibly device identification via MAC addresses. That is, that is how other sites control multiple accounts. Whether or not King has the capability is anyone's guess.

    So your point is very valid Kerrie

    I am not sure Kerrie does have a point. Checkout Mannyfae's post below.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,746 Level 5
    edited May 3

    I do know that King are some sort of Big Brother, but you have me confused here as I don't understand what IP address is. The account I am referring to uses the same wifi but a different device and perhaps more importantly a different apple id. Do you really think King would know this is the same person?

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,720 Legend
    edited May 3

    I do know that King are some sort of Big Brother

    It is not just King, @christinewupp it is just how the internet works.

    I don't understand what IP address is.

    If you want a headache try googling IP address and read what you find

    Suffice to say each and every device that connects to the internet is assigned a unique identification number so that it can be tracked.

    All devices connecting to the internet through the same router at the same address will have the same network ID and an identification number.

    As an example

    Device 1 IP - 123.45.678.1

    Device 2 IP - 123.45.678.2

    I hope that makes sense

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,746 Level 5
    edited May 3

    I don't care if I actually win All Stars next year, but I'd quite like to get into the last round because I believe this year, if I had had the time I could have done it, like MannyFae did. I couldn't physically crush for 24 hours because my fingers couldn't do it (cookiemae posted on this issue as well and had to give up for the sake of her joints). So I might just plod along. In practice it won't matter if I have multiple accounts so long as I only use the one that doesn't use cheats.

    Thanks for answering my questions.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,720 Legend

    In practice it won't matter if I have multiple accounts so long as I only use the one that doesn't use cheats.

    It depends @christinewupp on how literal King are when they apply their T&Cs.

    The T&Cs state: create more than one King Account per platform to access our Services;

    Taken at face value if King enforce this as written you don't have to use multiple accounts to break the rule as the act of creating multiple accounts is enough to break the rule.

    if I had had the time I could have done it

    I honestly think that if you were in one of the groups that was won by someone scoring only 4-5 million then you could easily be in the running as one of the top ten.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?