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Level 8407 not enough moves.

ajohnsonuf Posts: 1

Level 1

I am given 20 moves to complete this level, which doesn’t give me near enough moves for the last key to drop, unlocking the locks.



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 158,295

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Level 8407 is an ingredients level, you have to collect one cherry to complete the level. All you really need to do is keep the bombs under control until the keys have travelled around to match with each other and unlock the exits in the bottom left. You can clear some of the blockers on the left as you are waiting for the keys to be collected. You can use a double colourbomb combo, but there's no need unless you are losing control of the bombs.The moves have been reduced to 23 and the only way to collect the keys now to release the cherry is to make a double colourbomb combo and use it once the sugar coats are cleared from the bottom keys.

    Good Luck

  • Shelia_Obrien
    Shelia_Obrien Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Game 4066 I only have 10 moves. I should have 20. Can you fix it please?

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,461

    Hi @Shelia_Obrien and welcome to our community. Since it's the weekend not too many people are here, however, I can tell you that the studio can only fix game levels if there is a glitch and you cannot clear it. I am going to tag @kiara_wael who might be able to give you some tips on how to clear it.

  • Catchy68
    Catchy68 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    so have i got this right, you can only beat this level if you use a double colour bomb combo? what nonsense!

  • Catchy68
    Catchy68 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited May 2024

    so level 8407 can only be completed by making a double colour bomb combo? What nonsense!!!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,525
    edited May 2024

    Bear with me @Catchy68 I am just trying this level out to test what the mechanism to win it is. I think it should be possible to pass with just creating single colour bombs, but I'm not quite sure yet. It's an interesting level. You definitely don't have to destroy all the caged frosting, because the dragon moves along the conveyor belt. At this point I would have expected that hitting my colour bomb against the orange bomb would have destroyed all three keys and should have won the game but it didn't destroy the keys???? I'll test this out a second time. Maybe those keys are having the "wrong colour" glitch and are actually yellow????

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,525
    edited May 2024

    So yes, @Cathy68 This level is impossible to pass within the moves King are currently giving us (unless you create a double colour bomb, of course)

    What seems to have happened here is that because this would be a great level for any All Stars cheater to get lots of purple candies, King have reduced the moves to make it harder for All Stars I think.

    This is how the level SHOULD be played: Keep on top of the bombs and survive until the conveyor belt has automatically matched the yellow (yes, they ARE yellow even though to my eyes they look orange…) keys three times to unlock the box below the dragon. At the same time use the striped candies to get rid of enough of the blockers underneath the dragon to make sure it drops. I actually spent 26 of my own gold to prove this point here:

    Starting board

    Then remove the blockers best you can and make sure the bombs don't go off.

    Ignore the wrong key colour: It's a graphics glitch, those keys are actually yellow! The conveyor belt is nowhere near where it needs to be. It will take another 7 turns until that key gets next to the other two.

    Five more moves won't do it….

    Still two more spaces away from the other two keys….

    So, let's see if it ever does work….

    I only needed one more turn, actually.

    So please! @PummyRaj and @FluffyDinosaur can this level be reported???? It requires at least 29 moves to pass. At the moment players get 23.

    Is this incompetence and deliberate money extraction? Either way, it does need to get fixed ASAP!

    Oh, and can I have my 26 gold bars back for proving the point here? No, don't bother actually. I'd much rather see a scroll back button so I can check levels out without getting repetitive strain injury.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 848

    The video below is 3 years old, and it has 23 moves too:

    This level has been reported several times, but it hasn't been fixed, so it looks like using a double color bomb combo is the intended way to play it now.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 10,525

    I can't believe that is the intended way @MannyFae . Why bother having those conveyor belts at all? It's a lot more intelligent with the 29 move strategy. That MUST be what the designers had in mind when they created that level.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 848

    The level's original design is broken, yes. But it's been 3 years and there have been many complaints. Since they haven't fixed it yet, they won't.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?