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level 1246 , only 13 moves ?

Selma_Bešo_ Posts: 1

Level 1

Heeeelp me please !!!  I have only 13 moves on level 1264 instead of 25. I keep running into this problem on different levels for weeks now. I am reluctant to use up all my boosters and it is no fun to play anymore. 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544

    Hi Selma,  thank you for writing us here at King Care. This is the reason why you have less moves:  I have seen a lot of complaints here from the players regarding the number of moves for a specific level. I will forward your message to a King Admin.

  • Jena_Hudkins
    Jena_Hudkins Posts: 6

    Level 1

    I am in the same boat. Getting really tired of this! It’s virtually impossible to beat with that few of moves. You can’t even get to all the keys and then you’re down to 4 moves. 

  • Mahabub_26070
    Mahabub_26070 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Developer are you crazy??? If you want test people IQ & improvement. You was less 15-20% moves. Bt, you less then 50% up moves. I think your brain going on drain. Bt, You not get options on game functions. If you asked a normal people. Why people playing games?

    They told you just time pass & relax. It's not a life competition & important work. So, do not get here important challenge. So please, cool down your brain & not get difficult. Neither, maximum people uninstall you game. 

    Thank you

    Admin & developer      

  • bditm
    bditm Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I also have only 13 moves and have stuck on this level for days.  I have wasted a ridiculous amount of time and boosters and really think there is no way with only 13 moves .  Super frustrating.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?