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master title

andreeaS Posts: 5

Level 2

hey, I have may levels with sugar stars or level finished by the first try but I don t have any master name, I do not even receive the message "earn more stars...."
I tried to delete and reinstall the game but still nothing.
I m at level 260. My husband has a master title since level 80.....


  • andreeaS
    andreeaS Posts: 5

    Level 2

    can please anybody help me with this?
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,943
    Hello @andreeaS and welcome to our friendly King Community.  I am sorry you are having this problem.  Have you received any trophies for completing an episode - Bronze/Silver/gold/diamond?  I think you have to have some trophies before you get a Master Title and I have noticed that my master title only changes when I get another diamond trophy (passing all levels on the first try).  What the sugar stars do is if you didn't pass a level on the first try but you get sugar stars on it - then that counts the same as if you passed the level on the first try.
  • andreeaS
    andreeaS Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hello! and thank you so much for your answer! Exactly this is the  problem, I believe at 6 levels completed by the first time I should get a bronze trophy, at 9  a silver or so. And I have episodes in witch I have 10 or 12 levels with sugar stars or finished by first try and did not receive any trophy.
    I want to mentioned that if I have to reset my game and start over again is not a problem for me just that I don t know how to do that. Waiting for your advice, thank so much. Andreea
  • Flanje
    Flanje Posts: 772
    Hi @andreeaS Sometimes all my trophies disappear from the map and don't come back until I win a diamond. The really low levels don't get diamonds, so I would recommend replaying any that you didn't pass 1st go between 66 and 80 to get the sugar stars and see if it awakens anything. Let us know how you get on.
  • Zulki1990
    Zulki1990 Posts: 6

    Level 1


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?