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Helping our friends

Charleyfarley Posts: 68 Level 2

ok here’s my take on the ‘feature’ and please correct me if I’m wrong

  1. I think most people would assume ‘helping someone to pass a level they’re stuck on’ and then passing that level would mean they would move on a level. It seems not - if you pass their level, they just get a few boosters
  2. I have had loads of requests for help and have managed to ‘help’ 4 so far. I’ve had one offer of help and sadly it didn’t help.

So how do you request help ?

And shouldn’t you get rewarded if you ‘help’ someone else ?



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,012 Legend

    @Charleyfarley You are only the second player here that I have heard from who has had any offer of help themselves. As far as I know there is no way for players to request help in this test feature. I believe that King choose the players who receive help requests and players who might receive help. King like to keep firm control over how we play the game and who we help! This test feature is causing a lot of confusion and QueenB had even told us that it had been put on hold, which clearly has not been the case judging by all the posts about it. I looks like even the Community Manager is confused about this feature! I helped out a friend who is also in the community here, I used a UFO to pass her difficult level but she did not receive any boosters from me, maybe she'd already passed that level by then. I think personally it's a lose-lose event which wastes our time, our boosters, while our friends don't gain any real help. There also has been no official explanation of how this event works.

  • Peaches12
    Peaches12 Posts: 129 Level 3

    I received help on a level. The only way I knew it was requested was when I tried the level and got a pop-up saying the friend helped. I think I got a color bomb, a striped candy and a lucky board. I did pass the level and then sent her an extra life as a thank you.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,012 Legend

    That's great to hear @Peaches12 . So it isn't just the boosters, but a lucky board as well, maybe I was a bit harsh about this feature then and it is useful after all. But they'd need to make it clearer of how it works. Thanks for clarifying this for us!

  • TerriM
    TerriM Posts: 57 Level 2

    I have helped 3 people pass a hard level and received nothing.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,983 Legend

    Yes @TerriM that is how the feature works. Only the people receiving help receive boosters the people that help do not receive anything.

  • margarethiggins1
    margarethiggins1 Posts: 1 Newbie

    It's really annoying when you help others to pass a level, but they don't move on. I thought that was the point of helping them.

  • Charleyfarley
    Charleyfarley Posts: 68 Level 2

    @margarethiggins1 @TerriM @christinewupp @Peaches12 @Carol-38

    Well I have now successfully passed a level for 5 friends. I did receive help from one friend but sadly it wasn’t enough to help me pass the level on which I was stuck.

    I also noticed that the boosters/lives (if any 🙂) you would normally receive playing your own current level still appear while you’re ‘helping’ someone else. I received a very rare 4/2/UFO boosters while helping ☹️ means I missed out on them ☹️
    So this, and the lack of reward for the helper, has put me off helping in future.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,012 Legend

    Interesting but quite sobering. This event needs a lot of change if it is to be rolled out to every player. Pure altruism will not be popular, and it is confusing a lot of players.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 11,052 Level 5

    I thought it had been paused, but I've still had it every day. Before I actually got it @Charleyfarley I did reply to a post questioning what it was all about. And I am still of the same opinion that King have just passed their problem of impossible levels onto others to solve rather than listening to all the feedback given over the years. I was showing 4 to help yesterday, 1 being on a level just under 16000. I now have 3 showing. Well I apologise if anyone thinks I'm being boring, but I'm not going to play anyone else's game, just going to continue concentrating on my own, that takes enough of my time. I appreciate that even if I did (which I have done, just to test it out) even by passing the level the player still needs to replay that level. Yes maybe they get a few booster but quite often even that doesn't help. And again as I said in my other post, something else King have taken control of, I don't want anyone helping me, hope King know that and don't pass me to anyone to help. King really need to start taking notice and putting the fun and skill back instead of passing the buck.

  • TPS23
    TPS23 Posts: 185 Level 2

    If the players who received and managed to pass the hard level have the options to send some message or boosters back to the players (hero) who helped them, it would be awesome. Then, the helpers will know their help works and may want to keep helping.

    The random messages of “X thanks for your help” pop up when we open your game is fast and seems not to connect/ associate to anything that we do in the game. I usually click to skip that messages and can’t catch the names of the players.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?