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  • flor1521
    flor1521 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    exacto y encima que el tema vidas está limitado a 20 entonces ya es más desalentador .. esperar para que se renueven las 5 vidas o al menos 1 … antes tenías la opción de usarlas libremente .. estoy en 15600 y es imposible pasarlos

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    I can’t claim my jackpot, it says internet connection issues and to restart and when I did, I can’t claim the reward

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    can’t claim reward, says internet connection issues, restart … I did and can’t claim goldbars

  • TPS23
    TPS23 Posts: 185


    I got the same issue a couple of times. However, I didn’t have any photos. They said if you contact King they will be able to fix that.

  • Chispa2
    Chispa2 Posts: 124

    Exactly how I feel at 15355 level. So many days trying to pass a level is exhausting, taxing and streneous.

  • MitzRatu
    MitzRatu Posts: 186

    Get rid of most of the stupid stuff that they've got and bring back the old school candy crush which had the owl level separate and the player could gain lives when they ran out of lives on the main game..the programming team are absolutely hopeless or are they just wanting money..its no longer fun playing this game.

  • Kadoug518
    Kadoug518 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    60 levels to go to reach 16000 and about to throw in the towel after many many years of playing this game. Levels are getting harder and harder and so is trying to get free boosters. Challenges are ridiculous and I’d really like to know if a real person is winning any. People are coming out of no where and winning hundreds of levels. I’d really like to know just how they manage it. I’m a pretty good player but you can beat a computer that’s programmed to win over you.

  • MitzRatu
    MitzRatu Posts: 186

    I'm on level 14623 and I've just hit my personal record of playing this level 85 times..the programming team must be made of A I as this is freaking amazing 🤣🤣🤣🤣amazingly hard or impossible to pass..but will if the player pays..what a joke.

  • czaree
    czaree Posts: 7

    Level 2

    King is taking us for a ride. Many of the very tough levels are not doable without a lot of boosters and/ or lots of extra moves. They know it I'm sure and now they even reduce what you can win watching the short videos. Double whammy. Is it not enough King?

    What is the point of playing a game that you can't win unless you buy moves/boosters? That's not a challenging game but a way of squeezing hard earned cash from your loyal players who's been playing this game for a We're already watching tons of videos.

    Every episode has 5 or more impossible and near impossible levels with the number of moves given. Many of the hard levels are what the nightmarishly hard levels used to be. The legendary and nightmarishly hard levels are just not doable with the moves given.

    They throw in very easy levels as sweeteners but we know the tough and impossible levels are coming pretty soon. No one can finish an episode without buying gold bars in the mains. The number of moves given are way too few, making many levels impossible without getting many extra moves by using gold bars.

    In the past I used to be able to finish an episode no matter how many extra hard levels there were by watching videos, spinning wheels etc. sometimes it took a long time but they were doable.

    In recent past I was still able to finish episodes with the help of gold bars won by winning an episode but now the number of gold bars won are reduced and they ensure you can't get by doing that by making so many levels in an episode unplayable. So you used up your gold bars pretty quick.

    It wasn't like this before and King knows it. Make it challenging but doable. Have some sense of fair play to your loyal players. We enjoy finishing a tough level but finishing a tough level which can only be done by buying a lot of boosters and especially gold bars that can give you up 255 moves! is no fun and we hate it and it says you're not really that good.

    It's a long comment but I have to get it off my chest. Sure you can stop playing, end of the story, but I, like many others love playing Candy Crush but it's difficult to love playing it now. If many stop playing it I'm sure that's not what you want.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?