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The Final Grand Whatever

PyrolightWhatever Posts: 2 Newbie

This will be a collection of my thoughts about my last trip down the lemon drop road as well and general feelings about the direction of the game.

This is more of a detached analysis of it all. More to come, right now… whatever.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,048 Legend

    Can't wait!

    Welcome to the community @PyrolightWhateverand nice to see you back! I'm curious to hear how far you got.

    I've been getting bowled over by lucky boards in the levels coming up to 2000. Those double colour bombs on my starting board when I have timed colour bombs enabled are great and in some episodes were placed side by side in nearly every level. It's very powerful but doesn't work with choosing regular colour bombs, only timed! (I've been wondering if I am getting help from King since I told them my game ID for the 200 gold for helping a newbie feature. I hope not!)

  • PyrolightWhatever
    PyrolightWhatever Posts: 2 Newbie

    I got about to 2000 then I realized I needed to try something very different. Took a few days to decide if I wanted to torture myself but…

    This time around, not buying extra moves. That's right, one way or the other I have to beat every level in the turns provided.

    Plan to use it as part of my analysis.

    It's very powerful but doesn't work with choosing regular colour bombs, only timed!

    Interesting that it is time only. I guess if you pay for it haha.

    One thing I can say so far, the summer splash screen is kinda nightmare fuel.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?