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Sending lives.

1Naine1 Posts: 2 Newbie

Kindly make it easy to send lives to friends. As you can send only 1 life at a moment. And also increase the limit of lives which is send by friends in one day

Best Answer


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @1Naine1🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    You should be able to send more than 1 life in a day to your friends! In my game, it works when I close the App and reopen it! Please try that and see if it works for you too.

    For additional help, I will tag in one of my friends @Alienscar to assist you better.

    If you have further questions, please type below🍫🍫

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,088 Legend

    You should be able to send more than 1 life in a day to your friends! In my game, it works when I close the App and reopen it!

    That's what @1Naine1 is complaining about @PummyRaj They are asking for the process of sending lives to be easier

    And also increase the limit of lives which is send by friends in one day

    There is no limit on how many lives your friends can send you in a day @1Naine1 but once you have got 200 lives stored you can't receive anymore.

  • 1Naine1
    1Naine1 Posts: 2 Newbie

    That's what I am saying @PummyRaj make this process as it was before there was no limit in sending lives to friends. Now we can send only one live at a moment. I humbly request to you that make it like it was before like no limit in sending live at once. It is hard and difficult to close the app and send live to friend while he/she asking for lives.

    And @Alienscar I agree with you the limit of receiving lives is 200 but as much as I can only accept 20/200 in a day. So what I mean to say is that make that limit increase so a player can not only accept 20 lives in day he can accept more.

    Looking forward to you guys. Hope you people do something on it. As it's not only me there are many people who want this issue to be resolved.

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