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Lingotes d eoro

susanaceamuñoz86 Posts: 1 Newbie

Hola ayer tenia 340 lingotes de oro y hoy entro al juego y solo tengo 270 que paso


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,904 Legend

    Hello @susanaceamuñoz86 why certain things disappear from people's games no one here can say. There are too many things that can go wrong with a players' game for anyone to guess what has gone wrong with your game. Poor server connection, accidentally purchased something without noticing, game crashed, device updated are some examples of processes that can affect your game.

    All you can do now is contact King Player Support to see if they will add the lost gold to your account.

    To contact Support please use the Help function of your game.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 150,762 Candy Moderator

    Hi And Welcome to the King Community

    Try with disconnecting and reconnecting your King or Facebook account in the game and the Gold Bars should reload in your game.

    If the Gold Bars still do not show up, please email Player Support so they can check up what has happened. You can email them directly from the game by going to the Settings, Help Center, choose a FAQ and you can find the 'Contact us' in the bottom of the page.

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