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CazHV Posts: 2 Newbie
edited June 22 in Discussions

husband hardly ever plays and gets adverts to secure extra moves, really good deals in shop snd access to events to win gold bars. I have played for years and get f*** all. Will be moving to another game soon as there is no reward for loyalty!!


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 7,046 Legend

    Hello @CazHV and welcome to the community!

    As an experienced player in this community I can confirm that yes, you are right, there is no reward for loyalty in Candy Crush Saga. In fact I think the developers of this game are actively seeking to encourage new players to start the game all the time and reward new players in a way which will make them love the game, believe they are great at playing the game, and get addicted. New players are so much more likely to fall for the tricks and illusions of the game and spend money on it than us old loyal folk!

  • CazHV
    CazHV Posts: 2 Newbie

    The annoying thing is that he is on level 3675 and has not spent a penny on the game but has about 600 gold bars and no idea how many assist candies as it stops recording at 99+. He just wins every episode race as he has unlimited gold bars and just keeps winning more at no cost!!!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?