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mayelin78 Posts: 4

Level 1

HELP!!! anyone having trouble with level 15955???



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. I'll check this level and back to You.

  • mayelin78
    mayelin78 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Thank you. Something is wrong herre. I have tried for two weeks now……

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @mayelin78🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    We did not receive any complaints about level # 15955!! Can you please post a screenshot of the level - after you click on "Play" and open the level?

    To post the screenshot, tap on the 2nd icon located in bottom left corner of the comment box🍫🍫

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,070

    Hello @mayelin78

    I tried to beat this level this morning.

    I managed to pass using the first two starting boosters (not the lucky candy as it won't help and might add blockers to the board early on) and then one UFO and two striped candies. I think I did get a lucky board of sorts as on the opening screen my starting colour bomb and wrap sat next to each other giving me a strong combo to start with.

    I make that match and first of all try to make as many matches next to the skulls to remove those and open up some of the ice cover as well.

    Getting combos of wrap plus stripe or wrap/wrap is a great help to get rid of some more ice here. So removing candies from underneath the striped candy dispenser is helpful. By 29 moves left the skulls are gone and from here on I aim to bring down striped candies from the dispenser to see if the game will give me the opportunities to create a combo with a wrap.

    I continue trying to create wrapped or striped candies wherever I see the opportunity. Once I see no option for a good move (at 17 moves remaining in the screenshot below) I decide to use a UFO to open up the board hoping this will give me some more opportunities.

    It has cleared a few frostings.

    I notice that the orange candies in line 3 might open up the chance to create a colour bomb (if the game will drop me an orange candy), which I hope might sit next to the blue striped candy if I match the three green trophy candies as indicated:

    In fact it sets off a cascade which does leave me with a colour bomb but no combo, which is disappointing.

    This is typical for legendary levels as this range. The game wants me to use boosters, so I use my last striped candy to create my own combo:

    In fact I was hasty and should have chosen the blue for my striped candy because the blue in the bottom row might have gone horizontally…. but I still get a good result:

    It leaves me straight away with a wrap/stripe combo, so I am confident the game is helping me now to pass. I manage to clear all the frosting but there is still a tall order of gumball machines to hit and I am not confident at 9 moves left that I will do this as again I see no winning move here:

    So I do invest in more striped candies and place one next to my colour bomb, again, this time making sure it is red so at least one of the red candies on the bottom row will hit horizontally.

    The result is perfect and I can easily win this from here on:

    Two more matches next to gumball machines and the level is won.

    I hope this gives you some idea of how to beat this levels with a few boosters. There may well be a more economical method than mine, but of course legendary levels in the 15,000+ range will require some boosters to pass.

    Good luck!

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,813

    Amazing @christinewupp 🤗🤩

  • Crimsonpattex
    Crimsonpattex Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hallo, I also need help with this level. I have only 23 moves to start with. And I don't have any boosters to use, no UFOs etc. And most of the time I can't watch Ads for extra boosters on hard lvls. Has anyone beaten this lvl without boosters?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,070

    Hello @Crimsonpattex which level do you need help with? Do you really only get 23 moves to start on level 15955? I find that hard to believe as it was impossible to pass with 35 moves and the latest YouTube video from just two weeks ago also still shows 35 moves for this level. If your level looks different please could you post a screenshot of your starting board, thanks. Perhaps they have removed some blocker layers?

  • Crimsonpattex
    Crimsonpattex Posts: 3

    Level 1

    This is how it looks on my end. They do change a little bit. You need 70 blockers and not 80.

  • Crimsonpattex
    Crimsonpattex Posts: 3

    Level 1

    So, I've done. At the end I bought some extra moves (30 in total). But I think this version is not possible without booster and/or some extra moves. I also had a little of a lucky board. I don't get it, why they need to redo a lvl, that is already challenging.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?