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All levels are possible

@christinewupp all levels are possible. Nothing is impossible. Level 15000s plus are kaizo only not impossible.



  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,262
    edited July 2024

    @Johan_DelaCena I agree somewhat with this. Personally I have pass most levels without the use of boosters or spending money. I am in a group that still get lucky boards and that really helps me. I just hope I stay there lol. That's also the reason I don't give help here mainly because king has it set up that we all our not playing the same game.

  • SubstitutePyrolight
    SubstitutePyrolight Posts: 94

    Level 3

    All level HAVE to be possible, that does not mean they don't take 20 days to pass.

    Another issue is the random difficulty and the insane weirdness of the modifiers.

    As example, using two pregame boosters should be better then 0 or 1. This is not always the case, sometimes running no boosters or 1 actually allows you to win levels easier. It depends on how the algorithm is intended to act at any given time.

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,262

    @SubstitutePyrolight I actually have never played a level more than 1 day or less and I am at the top of the map today. Just waiting for new levels. I admit I am retired so I play all day when levels are released but never more than 2-3 days to complete all new levels.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170
    edited July 2024

    What is kaizo? Also I couldn't find your YouTube channel by searching your name. I do not argue with the general statement that all levels are possible. However I do stand by my claim that some levels in the upper reaches of the game are only possible to pass using boosters. And I do believe they were designed (by an AI) to require boosters. As you have started this thread I may do some research to try and find some levels for which no possible solution without boosters has ever been posted on YouTube and then perhaps you can prove me wrong.

    Also I must stress that King keep changing level difficulty every few weeks. So one week a level may have 35 moves and a few weeks later players only get 20 moves for the same level. The 35 move version was possible, the 20 move version is not. That is in the upper reaches, they also add blocker layers and take them out again. So yes, every level is possible at some point in time, if you wait long enough! King do occasionally make all the boards easy to pass, giving out lucky boards even for legendary levels. I believe that they take one episode at a time, review level difficulty and change it. So one episode may seem easy, the next hard. A few weeks later players may find the exact opposite, the easy episode has become hard and the hard one easier. It all depends on when you play.

    So yes, luck does play a part and you are truly a lucky one, @cookiemae ! Long may it last for you. I remember you posting about this a year ago and then I didn't believe you. But hey, I do believe you now because I have learned so much about the game since then. You are playing the right episodes at the right times, it's a bit like riding on top of the wave I think, and staying there. I've had moments like that myself, but then I lose it and get frustrated.

  • Kaizo means impossibly hard. Just search johan Winston on youtube then you find the dark orange j on it.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170

    Thank you for answering that @Johan_DelaCena . I have looked at your YouTube videos but cannot see any that refer to those levels above 10,000. Have you actually played those levels, and if not, how can you make the claim that all levels are possible?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,170
    edited July 2024

    Having just read a complaint about level 15,760 in Support I went out to check on YouTube if any player posted a solution without boosters. And by "without boosters" I do not count either win streak boosters or starting boosters, those are part of a strategy to pass many difficult levels. This is the board. Legendary.

    I found twelve videos posted, all of which used either a collection of boosters including a UFO to pass this level and/or used extra moves (regardless of the number of moves given by the game in the first place, which differed between the videos and mostly were much more than the 29 I get today). So what exactly do you use as a definition of "possible"? Can you prove this level is possible without playing a UFO, multiple lollipops and switches or 10 gold for lots of extra moves?

  • Did you know that level 1688 is extremely easy and impossible to fail? Also you can pass easily levels 1686-1715.

  • I also posted a meme video ranking king community members if they are terminated

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222
    edited July 2024

    Hi Christine @christinewupp just to give you the heads up. Back in 2022 there was a Community member went under the name of Pillow6 you can still see their posts if you search the name. Exactly the same comments, saying all levels were possible/easy. And they got an awful lot of comments which is just what they probably wanted. They also went under the name of johan1082010 in the Community in 2020. So 1st we had johan1082010, then Pillow6, now it's Johan-DelaCena. Appears this person comes back to the Community every 2 years and does exactly the same thing. Wonder what your new name will be in 2026 @Johan_DelaCena 🤔

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