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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly this weekend

The Good:

  1. Don't feed the troll is back - scroll back to level 1000 and replay it until you get the party popper and other prizes
  2. Adventure path is back- for most of us those levels are easier and more fun than the normal levels
  3. Two colour bombs on my starting board when I have timed colour bombs enabled! This feature had disappeared for a few weeks but now is back. Lots more chances for a double colour bomb or other combo. This only works for timed boosters, not single pre game colour bomb

The Bad:

  1. Black screen popping up in my game after I press to continue to the next level. Just black, frozen. Have to close and reopen the app but fortunately don't lose progress.
  2. Easy levels have been made ridiculously easy and some hard levels seem to be harder than before. Why?

The Ugly:


  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Saw your tip earlier Christine @christinewupp that Don't feed the troll was back. Thought I'd better finish my household chores before sitting down. So washing on, vacuumed through, dusted and polished, made a cuppa and sat down to play, πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜¦ no internet. Quickly contacted the providers and got it sorted. So 😁 Don't feed the troll now done.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    More Bad: Now I don't get the black frozen screen but I get this screen:

    If I press "play" it freezes on the next screen. This has happened in both player IDs on iPhone and on iPad. Something isn't right this weekend.

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 290

    The Ugly:

    Last month I suggested 2 levels for the Chocolate Box event. Those 2 levels were changed within a month and now they are not useful anymore for Chocolate Box event. I thought those were not really some super levels like the legendary 3309. I was wrong.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Apart from level 1000 I try not to mention any levels here, but I do think King are well aware that 1000 is THE go-to level for every player, it has been for years. In fact they had deliberately taken out the purple candies to stop players using it for All Stars but I note that now the level has been put back to how it was. I very much doubt that this was in error. What is no error though is the fact they won't give us a scroll back button to make it harder to get to it and that they have included so many events you have to use new levels for, such as Top That. Also for leadership events you really can't use go-to levels because the 30x multiplier for new levels is too powerful. They also took away the speed button for the duration of the Candy Cup as well to stop players using old levels. King are rewriting a lot of levels at the moment and I don't think they actively scan the community for us mentioning go-to levels, they have AI and people to find levels that could do with a rewrite, they don't need us for that. It's probably a coincidence it happened to your levels. I've noticed a lot of levels have changed this week from what the videos show. I believe King are in the process of rewriting all the old, previously untouched levels to make the predetermined outcome easier for their automated systems to write and change from week to week. King want full control over every level in the game to make us puppets who either play the boosters intended to pass or fail.

  • Romana69
    Romana69 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited July 2024

    So macht das Spielen keinen Spaß... Gruss, Schnulli

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    Not just this weekend, @christinewupp. This is the very issue I mentioned in your other thread weeks ago (my specific comment linked):

    The bomb glitch - level 2823 caught in the act: NOT HAPPY! β€” King Community

    Fortunately, I haven't encountered it since I posted about it, but maybe you're the latest "test" group to get it. πŸ™„ I can only presume this has to do with some feature or event King is tinkering on.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?